My New Favorite Monad?

In my last article, I introduced a more complicated example of a problem using Dijkstra's algorithm and suggested MonadLogger as an approach to help debug some of the intricate helper functions.

But as I've started getting back to working on some of the "Advent of Code" type problems, I've come to the conclusion that this kind of logging might be more important than I initially realized. At the very least, it's gotten me thinking about improving my general problem solving process. Let's explore why.

Hitting a Wall

Here's an experience I've had quite a few times, especially with Haskell. I'll be solving a problem, working through the ideas in my head and writing out code that seems to fit. And by using Haskell, a lot of problems will be resolved just from making the types work out.

And then, ultimately, the solution is wrong. I don't get the answer I expected, even though everything seems correct.

So how do I fix this problem? A lot of times (unfortunately), I just look at the code, think about it some more, and eventually realize an idea I missed in one of my functions. This is what I would call an insight-based approach to debugging.

Insight is a useful thing. But used on its own, it's probably one of the worst ways to debug code. Why do I say this? Because insight is not systematic. You have no process or guarantee that you'll eventually come to the right solution.

So what are systematic approaches you can take?

Systematic Approaches to Debugging

Three general approaches come to my mind when I think about systematic debugging methods.

  1. Writing unit tests
  2. Using a debugging program (e.g. GDB)
  3. Using log statements

Unit Tests

The first approach is distinct from the other two in that it is a "black box" method. With unit tests, we provide a function with particular inputs and see if it produces the outputs we expect. We don't need to think about the specific implementation of the function in order to come up with these input/output pairs.

This approach has advantages. Most importantly, when we write unit tests, we will have an automated program that we can always run to verify that the function still behaves how we expect. So we can always refactor our function or try to improve its performance and still know that it's giving us the correct outputs.

Writing unit tests proactively (test driven development) can also force us to think about edge cases before we start programming, which will help us implement our function with these cases in mind.

However, unit testing has a few disadvantages as well. Sometimes it can be cumbersome to construct the inputs to unit-test intermediate functions. And sometimes it can be hard to develop non-trivial test cases that really exercise our code at scale, because we can't necessarily know the answer to harder cases beforehand. And sometimes, coming up with a unit test that will really find a good edge case takes the same kind of non-systematic insight that we were trying to avoid in the first place.

Unit tests can be tricky and time-consuming to do well, but for industry projects you should expect to unit test everything you can. So it's a good habit to get into.

Using a Debugger

The second approach on the list is more of a "white box" approach. Debuggers allow us to explore the interior state of our function while it is running and see if the values match our expectations.

So for example, the typical debugger can set a breakpoint so that the program pauses execution in the middle of our function. We can then explore all the values in scope at this point. And examining these values can tell us if the assumptions we're making about our code are correct. We can then step the program forward and see if these values update the way we expect.

However, it is a bit harder to use debugging programs with Haskell. With most imperative languages, the ordering of the machine code (at least when unoptimized) somewhat resembles the order of the code you write in the editor. But Haskell is not an imperative language, so the ordering of operations is more complicated. This is made even worse because of Haskell's laziness.

But debuggers are still worth pursuing! I'll be exploring this subject more in the future. For now, let's move on to our last approach.

Log Messages

What are the advantages of using a logging approach? Are "print statements" really the way to go?

Well this is the quickest and easiest way to get some information about your program. Anyone who's done a technical interview knows this. When something isn't going right in that kind of fast-paced situation, you don't have time to write unit tests. And attaching a debugger isn't an option in interview environments like coderpad. So throwing a quick print statement in your code can help you get "unstuck" without spending too much time.

But generally speaking, you don't want your program to be printing out random values. Once you've resolved your issue, you'll often get rid of the debugging statements. Since these statements won't become part of your production code, they won't remain as a way to help others understand and debug your code, as unit tests do.

Logging and Frustration in Haskell

Considering these three different methods, logging and print statements are the most common method for anyone who is first learning a language. Setting up a debugger can be a complex task that no beginner wants to go through. Nor does a novice typically want to spend the time to learn unit test frameworks just so they can solve basic problems.

This presents us with a conundrum in helping people to learn Haskell. Because logging is not intuitive in Haskell. Or rather, proper logging is not intuitive.

Showing someone the main :: IO () and then using functions like print and putStrLn is easy enough. But once beginners start writing "pure" functions to solve problems, they'll get confused about how to use logging statements, since the whole point of pure functions is that we can't just add print statements to them.

There are, of course, "unsafe" ways to do this with the trace library and unsafePerformIO. But even these options use patterns that are unintuitive for beginners to the language.

Start with Logger Monad

With these considerations, I'm going to start an experiment for a while. As I write solutions to puzzle problems (the current focus of my Haskell activity), I'm going to write all my code with a MonadLogger constraint. And I would consider the idea of recommending a beginner to do the same. My hypothesis is that I'll solve problems much more quickly with some systematic approach rather than unsystematic insight-driven-development. So I want to see how this will go.

Using MonadLogger is much more "pure" than using IO everywhere. While the most common instances of the logger monad will use IO, it still has major advantages over just using the IO monad from a "purity" standpoint. The logging can be disabled. You can also put different levels of logging into your program. So you can actually use logging statements to log a full trace of your program, but restrict it so that the most verbose statements are at DEBUG and INFO levels. In production, you would disable those messages so that you only see ERROR and WARN messages.

Most importantly, you can't do arbitrary IO activity with just a MonadLogger constraint. You can't open files or send network requests.

Of course, the price of this approach for a beginner is that the newcomer would have to get comfortable with having monadic code with a typeclass constraint before they necessarily understand these topics. But I'm not sure that's worse than using IO everywhere. And if it relieves the frustration of "I can't inspect my program", then I think it could be worthwhile for someone starting out with Haskell.


If you want to see me using this approach on real problems, then tune into my Twitch Stream! I usually stream 5 times a week for short periods. Some of these episodes will end up on my YouTube channel as well.

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Dijkstra with Monads!