Deploy Keptn in Kubernetes (K8s) using ReplicaSet

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In this blog, Deploy Keptn in Kubernetes(K8s) using ReplicaSet, we will quickly go through the steps to deploy Keptn in Kubernetes(K8s) using Replica Set!! So lets dive in 🙂

What is Keptn?

Keptn is an open source control plane to build cloud-native, industry-driven continous delivery systems. According to Dynatrace, Keptn augments any standard Kubernetes cluster to support delivery based on automated quality gates and self-healing operations workflows.

Scaling up and down of Keptn pods
Now let’s deploy Keptn in Kubernetes(K8s) using ReplicaSet.


For deploying Keptn in kubernetes we require the following :-

  • Basic Knowledge about Kubernetes and replica set.
  • Basic knowledge about yaml files.
  • Difference between replicaset and replication controllers.

Code Block

Copy the code for the replica set in your yaml file and save it as keptn-rs.yaml.

apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: ReplicaSet


#contains 2 things object name and label

  name: keptn-rs


#contains no. of replicas and pods spec

  replicas: 3



      app: keptn-app

  #pods spec


      name: keptn-pod


        app: keptn-app


      - name: keptn-container

        image: gardnera/thekindkeptn:0.0.15


        - containerPort: 80

Here we are creating a replication controller with the following specs:

  • Metadata of replica set: keptn-rs
  • Replica of keptn pods: 3
  • Container name: keptn-container
  • Keptn image: gardnera/thekindkeptn:0.0.15
  • Port for running: 80

By default only 3 pods of Keptn will be running on nodes. To scale up or down the pods use the following command.

Code Implementation

- Deploy keptn rs with (default 3 replicas) following command.

kubectl create -f keptn-rs.yaml

- Get output of running pods using this command.

kubectl get po -o wide

- Scale Up / Scale Down the pods using this command.

kubectl scale rs keptn-rs --replicas=5

kubectl scale rs keptn-rs --replicas=1

- Delete keptn-rs after deployment

kubectl delete -f keptn-rs.yaml


If you don’t want to execute the above steps, I have a script made for you that does that 🙂

echo "Please enter the number of pods you want to deploy for Keptn"

read count

echo $count

#Start keptn: with 3 nodes

kubectl create -f keptn-rs.yaml && kubectl scale rs keptn-rs --


#Check output:

kubectl get po -o wide


while true; do    

    read -p "Do you want to scalup Pods? [y for Yes  ;  n for No  ;  q  for 

Quit] " yn

    echo ""

    case $yn in

        [Yy]* ) echo "Enter number of pods to scale up" 

                read scale_count

        echo "Pods scaled up to $scale_count" && kubectl scale rs keptn-rs --

replicas=$scale_count ; break;;

        [Nn]* ) break ;;

        [Qq]* ) exit 0;;

        * ) echo "Please provide a yes or no answer."




while true; do    

    read -p "Do you want to scaldown Pods? [y for Yes  ;  n for No  ;  q  for 

Quit] " yn

    echo ""

    case $yn in

        [Yy]* ) echo "Enter number of pods to scale down" 

                read scale_count

        echo "Pods scaled down to $scale_count" && kubectl scale rs keptn-rs 

--replicas=$scale_count ; break;;
       [Nn]* ) break ;;

        [Qq]* ) exit 0;;

        * ) echo "Please provide a yes or no answer."




while true; do    

    read -p "Do you want to delete this Deployment? [y for Yes  ;  n for No  

;  q  for Quit] " yn

    echo ""

    case $yn in

        [Yy]* ) kubectl delete -f keptn-rs.yaml ; break;;

        [Nn]* ) break ;;

        [Qq]* ) exit 0;;

        * ) echo "Please provide a yes or no answer."




Running and scaling up Keptn pods with the above command.

scaling up Keptn pods

Running and scaling down Keptn pods with the above command.

scaling down Keptn pods


In this blog I have tried to cover Keptn deployment using Kubernetes(K8s). I have tried my best to provide you with the source code as well as a script that does all that steps for you.

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Written by 

Rishabh Verma is Google Certified Professional DevOps Engineer. He is always charged up for new things & learnings. He is dedicated to his work and believes in quality output. He loves to take deep dives into cloud technologies & different tools.

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