RocksDB in Percona Server for MySQLYou may have read MyRocks Use Case: Big Dataset and been intrigued enough to want to evaluate RocksDB with InnoDB.  It has several advantages including requiring less storage space.

So how do you start?

On a fresh install of Percona Server for MySQL, install RocksDB by entering sudo apt install percona-server-rocksdb:

Next, we can enable RocksDB by typing sudo ps-admin –enable-rocksdb -u -p:

Now it is time to fire up a CLI for MySQL to run SHOW ENGINES to double-check that RocksDB is ready.

And now we can use RocksDB.

Now how does this compare to Innodb? Well, I created a table like the one above but using InnoDB. Populated with the same three lines of data, the results do show a difference. I am sure with larger data sets that the saving with RocksDB would be substantially larger.

So give it a try and let me know your results.

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