QGIS Tips and Tricks: How to Digitize a Perfect Building Footprint

Hi all! In this QGIS tips and tricks series, I will show you how to digitize a perfect rectangular building footprints as shown in figure 1.

Some Digitized Building Footprints in QGIS
Figure 1. Some Digitized Building Footprints

Add your building polygon layer into QGIS and turn on editing mode by pushing Pencil icon on the top toolbar menu. In this tutorial I had a layer which is called buildings.

Building Layer QGIS
Figure 2. Building Layer

Next, click Add Polygon Feature icon and you should see an Advanced Digitizing window as seen in figure 3.

Add Polygon Feature QGIS
Figure 3. Add Polygon Feature

If the Advanced Digitizing window is not showing. On the top toolbar menu, select View > Panels > Advanced Digitizing Panel as shown in figure 4.

Enabled Advance Digitizing Menu QGIS
Figure 4. Enabled Advance Digitizing Menu

In the Advanced Digitizing panel window select Enable Advance Digitizing Tools, with clicking the rulers icon as shown in figure 5.

Enable Advance Digitizing Tools QGIS
Figure 5. Enable Advance Digitizing Tools

A corner of a building is commonly in perpendicular (90 degree). To help us getting this angle, select Snap to common angles and choose one of common angle options as seen in figure 6.

Snap to Common Angles QGIS
FIgure 6. Snap to Common Angles

Now you can start to digitize a building. As you can see in the figure 7 below, the angle of a line segment will be be snapped to the common angles as specified in the previous step in order to get perpendicular corners.

Digitizing a Building QGIS
FIgure 7. Digitizing a Building

That's all tips how to digitize a perfect building shape in QGIS. For other interesting QGIS tips and tricks, please visit QGIS Tips and Tricks series. Anyway there is a possibility you get a messy buildings data, if you curious how to fix it check this tutorial How to Adjust Imprecise Building Footprint in Python. Thanks!

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