Installing PMM Server from RHEL RepositoriesWe currently provide multiple ways to install Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) Server, with the primary way  to use a docker:

Install Percona Monitoring and Management

or Podman:

Podman – Percona Monitoring and Management

We implemented it this way to simplify deployments, as the PMM server uses multiple components like Nginx, Grafana, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, VictoriaMetrics, etc. So we want to avoid the pain of configuring each component individually, which is labor intensive and error-prone.

For this reason, we also provide bundles in a virtual box:

Virtual Appliance – Percona Monitoring and Management

or as Amazon AMI:

AWS Marketplace – Percona Monitoring and Management

Recently, for even simpler and effort-free deployments, we partnered with HostedPMM. They will install and manage the PMM server for you with a 1-Click experience.

However, we still see some interest in having a PMM server installed from repos, using, for example, rpm packages. For this reason, we have crafted ansible scripts that you can use on RedHat 7 compatible system.

The scripts are located here:

Percona-Lab/install-repo-pmm-server (

Please note these scripts are ONLY for EXPERIMENTATION and quick evaluation of PMM-server, and this way IS NOT SUPPORTED by Percona.

The commands to install PMM Server:

git clone
cd install-repo-pmm-server/ansible
ansible-playbook -v -i 'localhost,' -c local pmm2-docker/main.yml
ansible-playbook -v -i 'localhost,' -c local /usr/share/pmm-update/ansible/playbook/tasks/update.yml

And you should have an empty RedHat 7 system without any database or web-server packages installed.

Let us know if you have interest in this way of deploying PMM server!

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Daniel Ziegenberg

I would be interested in having the Ansible scripts ported to RHEL 8. Are there GitHub repos with the code for contributing pull requests?