Shale oil is not profitable


Go check the balance sheets on the top 10 shale producers from 2010 to 2020. They ran up $600 billion in debt. Continental Petroleum is a perfect example.

Shale is not profitable in return on energy either. The well depletion rate is simply ugly, and the amount of diesel burned to get that thin oil that won’t produce diesel is a waste of good diesel.

It sounds good and makes everyone feel good, but in reality, it is a bridge to nowhere.

The easy, cheap oil is gone. We have three choices:

  • Keep hoping the rest of the world is stupid enough to sell USA their oil for USA’s crappy dollars. (I wouldn’t if I were them.)
  • Rapidly change our way of life to use less. (They call it carbon emissions/global warming.)
  • Start a war and try to go take someone else’s. (The return is not really worth it anymore.)




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