Being one of the most popular languages, Python may be complicated to learn. There is a need to be involved in regular practice to improve Python coding skills.

Getting new knowledge about Python can enable you to familiarize yourself with its exciting hacks. Thus, let’s consider helpful tips about Python you likely were not aware of.

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Everything from Python basics to the deployment of Machine Learning algorithms to production in one place.
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Table of Content:

  1. Interesting Python Hacks
  2. Additional Hacks
  3. List of Easter Eggs

Note: To follow the tutorial in the article, it is necessary to install Python by itself and possess basic lore about what this language is.

1. Interesting Python Hacks

Python, for a reason, is considered one of the most widespread languages to download. It offers a set of handy features and cool stuff in general. Before every programmer starts studying different languages, including Python, in detail, it is necessary to write a term paper in an educational institution. If you are among students who wonder, “where can I buy term papers” we have a solution for you. All you should do is ask for assistance from an online paper writing service.

After your defense was conducted successfully, you can proceed to get acquainted closely with Python. Thus, what are those Python hidden hacks you probably never heard of?

1.1 Slice the String

This is one of the features that bring maximum usefulness to programmers. Still, not everybody has ever heard of it. Your string text can be sliced into list format utilizing the split() built-in technique.

Such a technique accepts the string argument on the basis the target string is going to be sliced. In case when you hand over none of the arguments, as a rule, the target string will be sliced based on spaces.

string = "I'm a Good Python Programmer"
new = string.split()
# ["I'm", 'a', 'Good', 'Python', 'Programmer']

new = string.split("Good")
# ["I'm a ", ' Python Programmer']

new = string.split("a")
print(new) # ["I'm ", ' Good Python Progr', 'mmer']
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1.2 Launch Web Server

Hidden features of Python are as useful as the support of a website. For example, let’s imagine that you intend to launch your own web server using which you will be able to share the files from your computer. 

For this, using a simple command would be handy. It will launch a web server on any port. In order for everything to pass successfully, you should set the port from range 0 to 65353. There are other parameters that you can check out additionally.

# Run Web Server
python -m http.server 7000

For instance, you set a number 7000 to the port. After running the command, you will get the necessary result. The server is launched on localhost, ie. IP This indicates you will get access to your computer data from the web with the URL

#Server is Started
Serving HTTP on port 7000 ( ...

1.3 List Stepping

Python can provide programmers with a number of features for list manipulation. One of them is known as list stepping. It enables users to truncate a list by performing steps.

Syntax of list stepping is as follows list[::n] where “n” is regarded as any number. For example, after putting list[::2], it will truncate a list by performing 2 steps of the index in a list.

lst = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(lst[::2]) #[1, 3, 5]
print(lst[::3]) #[1, 4]
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1.4 Easy Value Swapping

Programmers make use of swapping of values of two variables in their everyday programming lives. Swapping of values of two variables is usually done with the assistance of a third variable, a temporary variable. This third variable allows the swapping of the other two variables. Meanwhile, Python enables programmers to conduct swapping without any temp variable.

#old way
a = 5
b = 6
temp = a
a = b
b = temp

#new way
a, b = b, a

Programmers make use of swapping of values of two variables in their everyday programming lives. Swapping of values of two variables is usually done with the assistance of a third variable, a temporary variable. This third variable allows the swapping of the other two variables. Meanwhile, Python enables programmers to conduct swapping without any temp variable.

1.5 Trimming

The task of every expert programmer is to get rid of unwanted garbage and unnecessary special characters in a String. This is called trimming, and it is easier to conduct with Python. There is a need to use a fragment with a built-in method strip. It will be handy for reducing undesirable special characters such as newlines and tabs. Such a fragment will be helpful for web data extraction when you process strings of garbage.

# Trimming

data = "\n\n\nPython\n\n\t"
print(data.strip("\n\t"))  # Python
data = "\n	\nCoding"
print(data.strip()) # Coding
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2. Additional Python Hacks

There is no doubt that Python is an expressive programming language. While some programmers have no difficulties understanding it, others can face problems while exploring it. Nobody will dispute that Python allows users to utilize many handy features.

We have already discussed some of the interesting Python features. However, this list can go on for a long time. Thus, let’s dive deep into other helpful tips concerning Python.

2.1 Get() Dictionary Method

A dictionary in Python is the most utilized data structures. As a rule, programmers tend to utilize [] brackets and key names to access the key-value from the dictionary. Still, what if we say that the same work can be performed by another method. As you may guess, we are talking about the Get() technique.

One may wonder what the advantages of this technique are. As we know, utilizing the bracket [] method without a key will lead to an error. This means your program will stop its execution completely. The Get() technique enables programmers to return None as a result.

dict = { "one" : 1, "two": 2, "three": 3 }
#with bracket method
print(dict["fourth"]) #Error
#with get method
print(dict.get("fourth")) #None
print(dict.get("two")) # 2

2.2 Move List to String

Many students rely on true professionals who write for them essays, capstone projects, academic assignments, etc. At the same time, all programmers have read a big Text file at least one time in their programming practice. After such a file is considered read, data is to be stored in list format.

This is when a necessity to combine the list data arises. The reason is that such action enables programmers to make this data an actual copy of the Text file data. Loop will probably be the first method that appears in your head. But using a shorter approach mentioned below will assist in conducting the same work faster.

# Iterable to List
mylist1 = ["Eat", "Sleep", "and", "Code"]
print(" ".join(mylist1)) # Eat Sleep and Code
mylist2 = ["Learn", "Programming", "From", "Scratch"]
print(" ".join(mylist2)) # Learn Programming From Scratch
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2.3 Short Module Names

Are you tired of utilizing long library names over and over again? Then, the following hack will be helpful for you for sure. Python provides developers the opportunity to utilize the keyword “as” to create any library name according to them. Let’s consider several code instances placed below.

# Short names
# Normal ways of Writing
import pandas
import openpyxl
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
#Making Shorter
import pandas as pandas
import openpyxl as xl
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup

2.4 Opening Website

Do you need to open a website from your default browser? Then, the next tip will oblige assist you with this. All you should do is take a look at the code example mentioned below.

# Opening a Website
import webbrowser"")

2.5 Detecting New Elements

Do you still utilize the Nested loop to detect new elements in lists? It is necessary to make use of it no longer since we have a helpful hack for you.

With the assistance of a fragment mentioned below, developers will have the possibility to utilize a set() data structure for detecting the unique elements in any two lists.

# Find New Elements
list1 = [4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
new = list(set(list1) - set(list2))
print(new) # [8, 11, 13]
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3. List of Easter Eggs

Programming may appear boring as writing argumentative essays and different academic assignments for some people. But what if we say that there are Easter eggs in Python? This may sound surprising because Easter eggs, as a rule, can be found in video games, movies, cartoons, etc.

Still, Python decided to amaze users and prepare a number of Easter eggs. Let’s consider the funniest ones.

3.1 Hello World

After typing import __hello__ in your program and executing it, the output will be, well, “Hello World”.

>>> import __hello__
Hello world!

3.2 Antigravity

Typing import antigravity in your program will enable you to activate one of the funniest Easter eggs from Python. You will be redirected to a website. You have probably already guessed what will happen. To confirm your assumption, try it out now.

>>> import antigravity

3.3  Syntax Mistake Fun

The list of Easter eggs from Python can be enumerated as long as its hacks. The following Easter egg is called syntax mistake fun. After typing from __future__ import braces in your program and launching it, developers will be able to see the next answer from Python.

>>> from __future__ import braces
SyntaxError: not a chance


No matter whether you have just started to familiarize yourself with Python or are already an expert in it, this language can still surprise you. There are many hacks about Python which you didn’t know existed at all. We have enumerated the most useful hacks that every programmer would find interesting.

Aside from being handy to developers, these hacks are easy to learn. Thus, if you think you know everything about Python, just read this article and learn something new about one of the famous programming languages.

Ultimate Guide to Machine Learning with Python

This bundle of e-books is specially crafted for beginners.
Everything from Python basics to the deployment of Machine Learning algorithms to production in one place.
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