Schizophrenics vs Psychopaths


The modern Left (post-modernists), believe there is no absolute truth, only relative truth. Anything can be argued to be anything (even to oneself). Life becomes all about a contest of who is able to impose their truth over others: a zero sum game, and often a petty, nasty one at that. Nothing is sincere, everything is strategic. There is no true honor, nor integrity, everyone is either a mark, a dupe, a fool, a weakling, someone to be used, or someone to strategically supplicate to. This expresses as solipsism, narcissism, hubris, exhibitionism, and the psychopathic urge to impose one’s will upon others. To this person, there is no ultimate reality. Nihilism and escapism are also common. Lies are exceedingly common: a post-modernist lies to themselves frequently, and has little in the way of conscience with regards to lying to others. They don’t feel bad about the act of lying, they tell themselves that it is their pliable truth, they only feel bad if they suffer the social consequences – the loss of personal power and status – if they’re caught lying. Post-modernists are psychopaths.

To opposite of a post-modernist might be something like a Platonist. Plato spoke of and demonstrated pure forms, geometric and mathematical ideals, which underpin the very structure of nature, and yet, somehow also exist, in their perfect sense, in the realm of ideas outside our direct experience. This opens up a new dimension to existence for the Platonist, a divine one. What this makes possible to the mind of the Platonist is that there may indeed exist an ultimate reality. Likely too vast and complex for an individual mortal to completely grasp. Simply acknowledging this possibility requires humility. To merely conceive that absolute truth may indeed exist, that the universe may indeed be a vast mind, which naturally has a memory of all cause and effect, no matter what we rationalize to ourselves. That’s very humbling. It makes one feel small. Post-modernists hate that. And yet, this acknowledgement opens up one’s mind for immense insight and true compassion. Perhaps we can touch this world, or be touched by it. Platonists tend not to self destruct in the kinds of grotesque ways post-modernists do. The Platonist is more at calm with himself, because he has already accepted that he is not the greatest thing in existence, and the universe is incomprehensibly intelligent and beautiful. However, in terms of the single-minded pursuit of power, his attention is divided. Platonists are schizos.

If you read The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, you’ll get a sense of what’s been going on. Before language and linear thinking became so dominant to our way of living, we experienced more directly this contact with the numinous. With non-linearity and flashes of insight that we perceived to come from outside ourselves. It was more fundamental to our experience, and automatic. I won’t go into “this or that hemisphere of the brain” stuff, but I will suggest that the post-modernist has pretty successfully compartmentalized himself into just one thinking pattern. The post-modernist has painted himself into a corner in his own mind. The Platonist, though he struggles with the boundaries of his own mind, and is often a step behind the post-modernist in direct competition for dominance, has not. The Platonist is more anti-fragile because he has reckoned more profoundly with the unknown, and he has a fallback position. He has not completely forgotten how he used to be. He will be around to pick up the pieces.

It’s my intuition that we are going to witness a great implosion of, if not post-modernism itself, then the implosion of a great many minds of people who think in habitually post-modern ways. For one, there simply isn’t enough power to go around; secondly, their over dependence on language and manipulation of it has led them to talk themselves into a corner in their own minds, and they have begun to enter that wild spiral that occurs when you point a camera at a screen that’s monitoring it.

Schizos might be lost, but psychos are trapped




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