Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Meetings: Agenda Driven Staff Meetings

As a leader, I want to create an environment where I want participate in when I was a contributor.

My nightmare is that I am creating an environment where team participation is lower than when I was a contributor.

What’s going on??

(Other than leadership is hard?!)

One area I will focus on is the meeting, especially the Staff Meeting, the one the leader has with their team.

For my staff meeting, I went with the agenda style. I wanted the staff meeting so:

  • everyone prepared to participate
  • everyone in the meeting knows what to expect

The last point is important. How often does the agenda change that is not part of the agenda creator’s prerogative? EVEN when the agenda creator asks at the start of the meeting:

Does anyone have anything to add to the agenda?

This meeting style is nice, for me, I am starting to see it does not create the type of environment I want for my team. Creating a meeting where everyone is participating.

As a leader, what kind of environment do I want to create for the team?