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TIL — Removing DOM Event Handlers using AbortController

Thanks to Dan, who recommended “AbortController is your friend” by Sam Thorogood, today I learned about the ability to remove DOM event handlers using AbortController. Sam’s article is full of good use cases for this controller, but this one blew my mind.

const controller = new AbortController();

  () => {
    // do some cool things here
  { signal: controller.signal }

// later on

Look at this example that tracks a mousemove event on the document, prints the coordinates and can be aborted on demand by clicking a button. So nice!

See the Pen 2022-06-18 by Pawel Grzybek (@pawelgrzybek) on CodePen.


  • g

    What is the difference between this and removeEventListener

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    • Pawel Grzybek
      Pawel Grzybek

      It is going to be easier to explain using a snippet.

      document.addEventListener("mousemove", () => {
        // do some cool things here
      document.removeEventListener("mousemove", () => {
        // do some cool things here
      // UUuups! There is still handler attached to `mousemove`.
      // Each callback create its own instance and
      // add/remove doesn't work when they are inlined.
      // `AbortController` can help here.

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  • s

    This is really nice example, but kind of unintuitive to use.

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  • A
    A. Matias Quezada

    Brilliant! had no idea this was possible!

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