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Python Array Length

Python Array Length

In this article, We’ll describe array length in Python as an array made up of a set of elements or items that can also be thought of as a list of objects in a given array.

The length of the array is computed as the total number of elements or items in the given array using various methods or functions such as the len() method, which returns the total number of elements in the given array as the length of the array.

The array indexing starts from 0, not 1, and is known as array length.

What’s Python Length

In Python, the length of an array is calculated using the len() function, which produces an integer value containing the number of elements or items in the provided array. The length of the array is used to specify the array’s capability for storing the defined array’s contents.

The syntax of the method len() in python:


len( arr )

We’ve given the name of the array for which the length needs to be calculated. This function returns an integer value equal to the array’s total number of entries.

Example : Calculate the length of an array

Let’s take a sample python example to calculate array length:

arr =  [2,'test', 3, 1.5]
print("The length of the given array arr is: ")


The length of the given array arr is: 

** Process exited - Return Code: 0 **
Press Enter to exit terminal

We have declared array using square brackets which are also known as lists in Python.

We have defined a array named arr, This list/array contains different elements of different data types like integer, string, float, etc. The len() method as 4 which means there are 4 elements present in the given array.

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