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Oracle DSN Security

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Oracle disallows entry of a password value when configuring the ODBC’s Windows Data Source Name (DSN) configurations. As you can see from the dialog’s options:

So, I check the Oracle ODBC’s property list with the following PowerShell command:

Get-Item -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Oracle | Select-Object

It returned:

Oracle                         Driver                 : C:\app\mclaughlinm\product\18.0.0\dbhomeXE\BIN\SQORA32.DLL
                               DisableRULEHint        : T
                               Attributes             : W
                               SQLTranslateErrors     : F
                               LobPrefetchSize        : 8192
                               AggregateSQLType       : FLOAT
                               MaxTokenSize           : 8192
                               FetchBufferSize        : 64000
                               NumericSetting         : NLS
                               ForceWCHAR             : F
                               FailoverDelay          : 10
                               FailoverRetryCount     : 10
                               MetadataIdDefault      : F
                               BindAsFLOAT            : F
                               BindAsDATE             : F
                               CloseCursor            : F
                               EXECSchemaOpt          :
                               EXECSyntax             : F
                               Application Attributes : T
                               QueryTimeout           : T
                               CacheBufferSize        : 20
                               StatementCache         : F
                               ResultSets             : T
                               MaxLargeData           : 0
                               UseOCIDescribeAny      : F
                               Failover               : T
                               Lobs                   : T
                               DisableMTS             : T
                               DisableDPM             : F
                               BatchAutocommitMode    : IfAllSuccessful
                               Description            : Oracle ODBC
                               ServerName             : xe
                               Password               : 
                               UserID                 : c##student
                               DSN                    : Oracle

Then, I used this PowerShell command to set the Password property:

Set-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Oracle -Name "Password" -Value 'student'

After setting the Password property’s value, I queried it with the following PowerShell command:

Get-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\Oracle | Select-Object -Property "Password"

It returns:

Password : student

After manually setting the Oracle ODBC DSN’s password value you can now connect without providing a password at runtime. It also means anybody who hacks the Windows environment can access the password through trivial PowerShell command.

I hope this alerts readers to a potential security risk when you use Oracle DSNs.