Difference Between Gatling And Grafana K6

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Hi Readers, In this blog, I am going to explore, Gatling and Grafana(K6).They both are performance load testing, open-source and powerful tools.


Gatling tool is open-source and released under the Apache 2.0 license. It is used for performance load testing. It was released in January 2012 and it is written in Scala language. Compared with other tools so it is a powerful tool. Hence, it performs better than other tools.

Gatling is run on the command line, and this makes continuous integration easier. It supports a few protocols so non-supported protocols are not reliable in Gatling.

It supports both local machines and the cloud, users can run Gatling in both environments and it uses domain language that people with low technical knowledge can interpret.


K6 was initially released on Github in 2017 by load impact as an open source. It is a free and performance load testing tool that makes performance testing more productive. It works with the concept of virtual users that execute scripts. The script must contain at the very least an expected default function that defines the entry point for virtual users. K6 has a goal-oriented testing mode, and users can define goals using Thresholds when building their tests. 

It’s a CLI tool. By default, it reports generate in command. It Can also generate K6 tests from different technologies like:-

Jmeter converter:- Convert a jmeter.jmx file into the k6 script.

Postman Collection:- It is also possible to convert postman collections into the k6 script.

Swagger:- Convert swagger into the k6 script.

Gatling Vs K6

The main difference between K6 and Galting are-

Gatling K6
It is an open-source tool.It is an open-source tool.
Gatling can integrate with-
K6 can Integrate with-
It supports Continous integration pipelines like- JenkinsIt supports Continous Integration pipelines like- Github Actions and Jenkins
It is a scala based toolIt is Javascript based tool
It provides a feature-rich HTML based reportK6 provides an HTML based reports
Gatling can be run in a cluster modeIt works well in a CI workflow
It provides a detailed report for all tests runIt provides a detailed report for all tests
Easy to use and interpretEasy to use
Easy to maintain Easy to maintain

I hope you enjoyed it and it helped you!! stay connected for more future blogs. 

Thank you!!



Written by 

Soniya is a QA consultant having experience of more than 3 years. She has experience with Performance testing, API testing and Automation testing(Selenium, Katalon, Cypress and k6). She is always eager to learn new and advanced concepts.

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