Scala Traits in Simple words

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In this blog post, we will talk about traits in Scala. Then we will discuss how is a trait different from abstract classes.

Scala trait

Scala Traits

A trait is similar to a partial implementation of an interface. A trait in Scala can contain abstract and non-abstract methods. We can make a trait with all abstract methods or some abstract methods and some non-abstract methods.

Variables declared in a trait with the val or var keywords are internally implemented in the class that implements the trait. Any variable that has been declared with val or var but has not been initialised is considered abstract.

Scala classes can also extend and “mix in” multiple traits.

Defining a Trait

To define a trait we require the trait keyword along with the name of the trait.

trait Pet

Now let’s take an example of extending a trait in a class for that we require to use the extends keyword to extend a trait. Then implement any abstract members of the trait using the override keyword

trait DomesticAnimal {
  val name: String

class Animal(val name: String) extends DomesticAnimal

val dog = new Animal("Bruno")
val cat = new Animal("Snowbell")

We can also mix in multiple traits together and for that purpose we must

  • Use extends to extend the first trait
  • Use with to extend subsequent traits

Abstract Classes

Scala also contains an abstract class notion, which is quite similar to Java’s abstract class concept. However, because traits are so effective, using an abstract class is rarely necessary.

In practice, an abstract class is only necessary when we want to create a base class that requires constructor arguments or when our Scala code will be called from Java code.

abstract class WildAnimal (name: String) {
    def speak(): Unit = println("Roar..")   
    def eat(): Unit            

class Animal(val name: String) extends WildAnimal {
    override def speak() = println("Roar.. Roar..")
    def eat() = println("Animal is eating")

How are traits different from abstract classes

  • A trait support multiple inheritance whereas abstract classes do not. As we can extends only one class at a time, but can implement multiple traits.
  • Traits generally do not contains constructor parameter unlike abstract classes.
  • We can add a trait to an object instance but we can not do so with abstract classes.
  • A trait is interoperable when it does not contain any implementation but abstract classes are normally interoperable with java code.


Thank you guys for making it to the end of the blog I hope you gained some knowledge about traits in Scala. Then, we learned about features of a trait and abstract classes. For other Scala related stuff you can check here.


For getting more knowledge regarding traits in Scala kindly refer to the following link

Written by 

Pragati is currently working as a Software Engineer at Knoldus Inc. She is having more than 1.5 year of experience working in IT industry and working in the Scala domain.

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