tl;dr: Go’s Context.Value is controversial because of a lack of type-safety. I design a solution for that based on the new generics design draft.

Update: With the generics design that made it into Go 1.18 these ideas do not work, as embedding a type parameter is disallowed. I’m still leaving it up, for posterity

If you are following what’s happening with Go, you are aware that recently an updated design draft for generics has dropped. What makes this particularly notable is that it comes with an actual prototype implementation of the draft, including a playground. This means for the first time, people get to actually try out how a Go with generics might feel, once they get in. It is a good opportunity to look at common Go code lacking type-safety and evaluate if and how generics can help address them.

One area I’d like to look at here is Context.Value. It is often criticized for not being explicit enough about the dependencies a function has and some people even go so far as to discourage its use altogether. On the other hand, I’m on record saying that it is too useful to ignore. Generics might be a way to bring together these viewpoints.

We want to be able to declare dependency on a functionality in context.Context via a function’s signature and make it impossible to call it without providing that functionality, while also preserving the ability to pass it through APIs that don’t know anything about it. As an example of such functionality, I will use logging. Let’s start by creating a fictional little library to do that (the names are not ideal, but let’s not worry about that):

package logctx

import (

type LogContext interface {
    // We embed a context.Context, to say that we are augmenting it with
    // additional functionality.

    // Logf logs the given values in the given format.
    Logf(format string, values ...interface{})

func WithLog(ctx context.Context, l *log.Logger) LogContext {
    return logContext{ctx, l}

// logContext is unexported, to ensure it can't be modified.
type logContext struct {
    l *log.Logger

func (ctx logContext) Logf(format string, values ...interface{}) {
    ctx.l.Printf(format, values...)

You might notice that we are not actually using Value() here. This is fundamental to the idea of getting compiler-checks - we need some compiler-known way to “tag” functionality and that can’t be Value. However, we provide the same functionality, by essentially adding an optional interface to context.Context.

If we want to use this, we could write

func Foo(ctx logctx.LogContext, v int) {
    ctx.Logf("Foo(%v)", v)

func main() {
    ctx := logctx.WithLog(context.Background(), log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags))
    Foo(ctx, 42)

However, this has a huge problem: What if we want more than one functionality (each not knowing about the other)? We might try the same trick, say

package tracectx

import (


type TraceContext interface {
    Tracer() opentracing.Tracer

func WithTracer(ctx context.Context, t opentracing.Tracer) TraceContext {
    return traceContext{ctx, t}

type traceContext struct {
    t opentracing.Tracer

func (ctx traceContext) Tracer() opentracing.Tracer {
    return ctx.t

But because a context.Context is embedded, only those methods explicitly mentioned in that interface are added to traceContext. The Logf method is erased. After all, that is the trouble with optional interfaces.

This is where generics come in. We can change our wrapper-types and -functions like this:

type LogContext(type parent context.Context) struct {
    // the type-parameter is lower case, so the field is not exported.
    l *log.Logger

func WithLog(type Parent context.Context) (ctx Parent, l *log.Logger) LogContext(Parent) {
    return LogContext(parent){ctx, l}

By adding a type-parameter and embedding it, we actually get all methods of the parent context on LogContext. We are no longer erasing them. After giving the tracectx package the same treatment, we can use them like this:

// FooContext encapsulates all the dependencies of Foo in a context.Context.
type FooContext interface {
    Logf(format string, values ...interface{})
    Tracer() opentracing.Tracer

func Foo(ctx FooContext, v int) {
    span := ctx.Tracer().StartSpan("Foo")
    defer span.Finish()

    ctx.Logf("Foo(%v)", v)

func main() {
    l := log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags)
    t := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
    // ctx has type TraceContext(LogContext(context.Context)),
    //    which embeds a LogContext(context.Context),
    //    which embeds a context.Context
    // So it has all the required methods
    ctx := tracectx.WithTracer(logctx.WithLog(context.Background(), l), t)
    Foo(ctx, 42)

Foo has now fully declared its dependencies on a logger and a tracectx, without requiring any type-assertions or runtime-checks. The logging- and tracing-libraries don’t know about each other and yet are able to wrap each other without loss of type-information. Constructing the context is not particularly ergonomic though. We require a long chained function call, because the values returned by the functions have no longer a unified type context.Context (so the ctx variable can’t be re-used).

Another thing to note is that we exported LogContext as a struct, instead of an interface. This is necessary, because we can’t embed type-parameters into interfaces, but we can embed them as struct-fields. So this is the only way we can express that the returned type has all the methods the parameter type has. The downside is that we are making this a concrete type, which isn’t always what we want1.

We have now succeeded in annotating context.Context with dependencies, but this alone is not super useful of course. We also need to be able to pass it through agnostic APIs (the fundamental problem Context.Value solves). However, this is easy enough to do.

First, let’s change the context API to use the same form of generic wrappers. This isn’t backwards compatible, of course, but this entire blog post is a thought experiment, so we are ignoring that. I don’t provide the full code here, for brevity’s sake, but the basic API would change into this:

package context

// CancelContext is the generic version of the currently unexported cancelCtx.
type CancelContext(type parent context.Context) struct {
    // other fields

func WithCancel(type Parent context.Context) (ctx Parent) (ctx CancelContext(Parent), cancel CancelFunc) {
    // ...

This change is necessary to enable WithCancel to also preserve methods of the parent context. We can now use this in an API that passes through a parametric context. For example, say we want to have an errgroup package, that passes the context through to the argument to (*Group).Go, instead of returning it from WithContext:

// Derived from the current errgroup code.

// A Group is a collection of goroutines working on subtasks that are part of the same overall task.
// A zero Group is invalid (as opposed to the original errgroup).
type Group(type Context context.Context) struct {
    ctx    Context
    cancel func()

    wg sync.WaitGroup

    errOnce sync.Once
    err     error

func WithContext(type C context.Context) (ctx C) *Group(C) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    return &Group(C){ctx: ctx, cancel: cancel}

func (g *Group(Context)) Wait() error {
    return g.err

func (g *Group(Context)) Go(f func(Context) error) {

    go func() {
        defer g.wg.Done()

        if err := f(g.ctx); err != nil {
            g.errOnce.Do(func() {
                g.err = err

Note that the code here has barely changed. It can be used as

func Foo(ctx FooContext) error {
    span := ctx.Tracer().StartSpan("Foo")
    defer span.Finish()
    ctx.Logf("Foo was called")

func main() {
    var ctx FooContext = newFooContext()
    eg := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
    for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
    if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {

After playing around with this for a couple of days, I feel pretty confident that these patterns make it possible to get a fully type-safe version of context.Context, while preserving the ability to have APIs that pass it through untouched or augmented.

A completely different question, of course, is whether all of this is a good idea. Personally, I am on the fence about it. It is definitely valuable, to have a type-safe version of context.Context. And I think it is impressive how small the impact of it is on the users of APIs written this way. The type-argument can almost always be inferred and writing code to make use of this is very natural - you just declare a suitable context-interface and take it as an argument. You can also freely pass it to functions taking a pure context.Context unimpeded.

On the other hand, I am not completely convinced the cost is worth it. As soon as you do non-trivial things with a context, it becomes a pretty “infectious” change. For example, I played around with a mock gRPC API to allow interceptors to take a parametric context and it requires almost all types and functions involved to take a type-parameter. And this doesn’t even touch on the fact that gRPC itself might want to add annotations to the context, which adds even more types. I am not sure if the additional machinery is really worth the benefit of some type-safety - especially as it’s not always super intuitive and easily understandable. And even more so, if it needs to be combined with other type-parameters, to achieve other goals.

I think this is an example of what I tend to dislike about generics and powerful type-systems in general. They tempt you to write a lot of extra machinery and types in a way that isn’t necessarily semantically meaningful, but only used to encode some invariant in a way the compiler understands.

I don’t actually think there is much of a performance problem with context.Value in practice, but if there is, this could solve that.

  1. One upside however, is that this could actually address the other criticism of context.Value: Its performance. If we consequently embed the parent-context as values in struct fields, the final context will be a flat struct. The interface-table of all the extra methods we add will point at the concrete implementations. There’s no longer any need for a linear search to find a context value. ↩︎