Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Journey to TDD - Test Command Line Applications with Aruba

If you found this article and want to start at the beginning, this series starts here.

With a web application, one can start basic tests using Selenium

Well, what if the legacy puzzle you have is not a web based application - let’s say it’s command line application. 😲

Even when one writes their own command line application, testing on command line is hard. That’s why I recommend testing with aruba. Cucumber’s aruba is one of the only tools I found that can even start testing a complex command line application.

With Aruba, one will have to update the guts of the program they want to test - unlike testing with Selenium.

The most important aspect is to get automated testing going. One automated test is 1,000,000x better than ZERO, especially at 3am on a Saturday night.

I never want to have the error feeling ever again.