Posted On: Feb 28, 2022

Today, Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights adds support for Helm chart for Amazon EKS on EC2 using AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT), enabling customers to easily define, install, and upgrade applications built on EKS.

With this launch, you can use Helm chart to collect Amazon EKS on EC2 metrics and logs to send to Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights. The Helm chart deploys the ADOT Collector and Fluent Bit as DaemonSets. ADOT collects infrastructure metrics such as CPU, memory, disk, and network status from Amazon EKS clusters. You can use the pre-built dashboards in Amazon CloudWatch for analysis and triaging.

Helm is an application package manager running atop Kubernetes. It allows describing the application structure through convenient Helm charts and managing it with simple commands. Helm charts are Kubernetes YAML manifests bundled in a single package that can be publicized to your EKS clusters. Once packaged, installing a Helm chart into your EKS cluster is as easy as running a single command, which really simplifies the deployment of containerized applications.

You can use the latest version of Helm chart for Amazon EKS on EC2 by using AWS CloudFormation templates, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), or curl command.

Visit the documentation to learn more about this feature and to get started with using Helm chart with CloudWatch Container Insights. Visit our developer portal to learn more about AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry and download the latest release.