Emacs 26 Brings Generators and Threads

Emacs 26.1 was recently released. As you would expect from a major release, it comes with lots of new goodies. Being a bit of an Emacs Lisp enthusiast, the two most interesting new features are generators (iter) and native threads (thread).

Correction: Generators were actually introduced in Emacs 25.1 (Sept. 2016), not Emacs 26.1. Doh!

Update: ThreadSanitizer (TSan) quickly shows that Emacs’ threading implementation has many data races, making it completely untrustworthy. Until this is fixed, nobody should use Emacs threads for any purpose, and threads should disabled at compile time.


Generators are one of those cool language features that provide a lot of power at a small implementation cost. They’re like a constrained form of coroutines, but, unlike coroutines, they’re typically built entirely on top of first-class functions (e.g. closures). This means no additional run-time support is needed in order to add generators to a language. The only complications are the changes to the compiler. Generators are not compiled the same way as normal functions despite looking so similar.

What’s perhaps coolest of all about lisp-family generators, including Emacs Lisp, is that the compiler component can be implemented entirely with macros. The compiler need not be modified at all, making generators no more than a library, and not actually part of the language. That’s exactly how they’ve been implemented in Emacs Lisp (emacs-lisp/generator.el).

So what’s a generator? It’s a function that returns an iterator object. When an iterator object is invoked (e.g. iter-next) it evaluates the body of the generator. Each iterator is independent. What makes them unusual (and useful) is that the evaluation is paused in the middle of the body to return a value, saving all the internal state in the iterator. Normally pausing in the middle of functions isn’t possible, which is what requires the special compiler support.

Emacs Lisp generators appear to be most closely modeled after Python generators, though it also shares some similarities to JavaScript generators. What makes it most like Python is the use of signals for flow control — something I’m not personally enthused about (though see also). When a Python generator completes, it throws a StopItertion exception. In Emacs Lisp, it’s an iter-end-of-sequence signal. A signal is out-of-band and avoids the issue relying on some special in-band value to communicate the end of iteration.

In contrast, JavaScript’s solution is to return a “rich” object wrapping the actual yield value. This object has a done field that communicates whether iteration has completed. This avoids the use of exceptions for flow control, but the caller has to unpack the rich object.

Fortunately the flow control issue isn’t normally exposed to Emacs Lisp code. Most of the time you’ll use the iter-do macro or (my preference) the new cl-loop keyword iter-by.

To illustrate how a generator works, here’s a really simple iterator that iterates over a list:

(iter-defun walk (list)
  (while list
    (iter-yield (pop list))))

Here’s how it might be used:

(setf i (walk '(:a :b :c)))

(iter-next i)  ; => :a
(iter-next i)  ; => :b
(iter-next i)  ; => :c
(iter-next i)  ; error: iter-end-of-sequence

The iterator object itself is opaque and you shouldn’t rely on any part of its structure. That being said, I’m a firm believer that we should understand how things work underneath the hood so that we can make the most effective use of at them. No program should rely on the particulars of the iterator object internals for correctness, but a well-written program should employ them in a way that best exploits their expected implementation.

Currently iterator objects are closures, and iter-next invokes the closure with its own internal protocol. It asks the closure to return the next value (:next operation), and iter-close asks it to clean itself up (:close operation).

Since they’re just closures, another really cool thing about Emacs Lisp generators is that iterator objects are generally readable. That is, you can serialize them out with print and bring them back to life with read, even in another instance of Emacs. They exist independently of the original generator function. This will not work if one of the values captured in the iterator object is not readable (e.g. buffers).

How does pausing work? Well, one of other exciting new features of Emacs 26 is the introduction of a jump table opcode, switch. I’d lamented in the past that large cond and cl-case expressions could be a lot more efficient if Emacs’ byte code supported jump tables. It turns an O(n) sequence of comparisons into an O(1) lookup and jump. It’s essentially the perfect foundation for a generator since it can be used to jump straight back to the position where evaluation was paused.

Buuut, generators do not currently use jump tables. The generator library predates the new switch opcode, and, being independent of it, its author, Daniel Colascione, went with the best option at the time. Chunks of code between yields are packaged as individual closures. These closures are linked together a bit like nodes in a graph, creating a sort of state machine. To get the next value, the iterator object invokes the closure representing the next state.

I’ve manually macro expanded the walk generator above into a form that roughly resembles the expansion of iter-defun:

(defun walk (list)
  (let (state)
    (cl-flet* ((state-2 ()
                 (signal 'iter-end-of-sequence nil))
               (state-1 ()
                 (prog1 (pop list)
                   (when (null list)
                     (setf state #'state-2))))
               (state-0 ()
                 (if (null list)
                   (setf state #'state-1)
      (setf state #'state-0)
      (lambda ()
        (funcall state)))))

This omits the protocol I mentioned, and it doesn’t have yield results (values passed to the iterator). The actual expansion is a whole lot messier and less optimal than this, but hopefully my hand-rolled generator is illustrative enough. Without the protocol, this iterator is stepped using funcall rather than iter-next.

The state variable keeps track of where in the body of the generator this iterator is currently “paused.” Continuing the iterator is therefore just a matter of invoking the closure that represents this state. Each state closure may update state to point to a new part of the generator body. The terminal state is obviously state-2. Notice how state transitions occur around branches.

I had said generators can be implemented as a library in Emacs Lisp. Unfortunately theres a hole in this: unwind-protect. It’s not valid to yield inside an unwind-protect form. Unlike, say, a throw-catch, there’s no mechanism to trap an unwinding stack so that it can be restarted later. The state closure needs to return and fall through the unwind-protect.

A jump table version of the generator might look like the following. I’ve used cl-labels since it allows for recursion.

(defun walk (list)
  (let ((state 0))
        ((closure ()
           (cl-case state
             (0 (if (null list)
                    (setf state 2)
                  (setf state 1))
             (1 (prog1 (pop list)
                  (when (null list)
                    (setf state 2))))
             (2 (signal 'iter-end-of-sequence nil)))))

When byte compiled on Emacs 26, that cl-case is turned into a jump table. This “switch” form is closer to how generators are implemented in other languages.

Iterator objects can share state between themselves if they close over a common environment (or, of course, use the same global variables).

(setf foo
      (let ((list '(:a :b :c)))
          (iter-lambda ()
            (while list
              (iter-yield (pop list)))))
          (iter-lambda ()
            (while list
              (iter-yield (pop list))))))))

(iter-next (nth 0 foo))  ; => :a
(iter-next (nth 1 foo))  ; => :b
(iter-next (nth 0 foo))  ; => :c

For years there has been a very crude way to “pause” a function and allow other functions to run: accept-process-output. It only works in the context of processes, but five years ago this was sufficient for me to build primitives on top of it. Unlike this old process function, generators do not block threads, including the user interface, which is really important.


Emacs 26 also bring us threads, which have been attached in a very bolted on fashion. It’s not much more than a subset of pthreads: shared memory threads, recursive mutexes, and condition variables. The interfaces look just like they do in pthreads, and there hasn’t been much done to integrate more naturally into the Emacs Lisp ecosystem.

This is also only the first step in bringing threading to Emacs Lisp. Right now there’s effectively a global interpreter lock (GIL), and threads only run one at a time cooperatively. Like with generators, the Python influence is obvious. In theory, sometime in the future this interpreter lock will be removed, making way for actual concurrency.

This is, again, where I think it’s useful to contrast with JavaScript, which was also initially designed to be single-threaded. Low-level threading primitives weren’t exposed — though mostly because JavaScript typically runs sandboxed and there’s no safe way to expose those primitives. Instead it got a web worker API that exposes concurrency at a much higher level, along with an efficient interface for thread coordination.

For Emacs Lisp, I’d prefer something safer, more like the JavaScript approach. Low-level pthreads are now a great way to wreck Emacs with deadlocks (with no C-g escape). Playing around with the new threading API for just a few days, I’ve already had to restart Emacs a bunch of times. Bugs in Emacs Lisp are normally a lot more forgiving.

One important detail that has been designed well is that dynamic bindings are thread-local. This is really essential for correct behavior. This is also an easy way to create thread-local storage (TLS): dynamically bind variables in the thread’s entrance function.

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

(defvar foo-counter-tls)
(defvar foo-path-tls)

(defun foo-make-thread (path)
   (lambda ()
     (let ((foo-counter-tls 0)
           (foo-name-tls path))

However, cl-letf “bindings” are not thread-local, which makes this otherwise incredibly useful macro quite dangerous in the presence of threads. This is one way that the new threading API feels bolted on.

Building generators on threads

In my stack clashing article I showed a few different ways to add coroutine support to C. One method spawned per-coroutine threads, and coordinated using semaphores. With the new threads API in Emacs, it’s possible to do exactly the same thing.

Since generators are just a limited form of coroutines, this means threads offer another, very different way to implement them. The threads API doesn’t provide semaphores, but condition variables can fill in for them. To “pause” in the middle of the generator, just wait on a condition variable.

So, naturally, I just had to see if I could make it work. I call it a “thread iterator” or “thriter.” The API is very similar to iter:


This is merely a proof of concept so don’t actually use this library for anything. These thread-based generators are about 5x slower than iter generators, and they’re a lot more heavy-weight, needing an entire thread per iterator object. This makes thriter-close all the more important. On the other hand, these generators have no problem yielding inside unwind-protect.

Originally this article was going to dive into the details of how these thread-iterators worked, but thriter turned out to be quite a bit more complicated than I anticipated, especially as I worked towards feature matching iter.

The gist of it is that each side of a next/yield transaction gets its own condition variable, but share a common mutex. Values are passed between the threads using slots on the iterator object. The side that isn’t currently running waits on a condition variable until the other side frees it, after which the releaser waits on its own condition variable for the result. This is similar to asynchronous requests in Emacs dynamic modules.

Rather than use signals to indicate completion, I modeled it after JavaScript generators. Iterators return a cons cell. The car indicates continuation and the cdr holds the yield result. To terminate an iterator early (thriter-close or garbage collection), thread-signal is used to essentially “cancel” the thread and knock it off the condition variable.

Since threads aren’t (and shouldn’t be) garbage collected, failing to run a thread-iterator to completion would normally cause a memory leak, as the thread sits there forever waiting on a “next” that will never come. To deal with this, there’s a finalizer is attached to the iterator object in such a way that it’s not visible to the thread. A lost iterator is eventually cleaned up by the garbage collector, but, as usual with finalizers, this is only a last resort.

The future of threads

This thread-iterator project was my initial, little experiment with Emacs Lisp threads, similar to why I connected a joystick to Emacs using a dynamic module. While I don’t expect the current thread API to go away, it’s not really suitable for general use in its raw form. Bugs in Emacs Lisp programs should virtually never bring down Emacs and require a restart. Outside of threads, the few situations that break this rule are very easy to avoid (and very obvious that something dangerous is happening). Dynamic modules are dangerous by necessity, but concurrency doesn’t have to be.

There really needs to be a safe, high-level API with clean thread isolation. Perhaps this higher-level API will eventually build on top of the low-level threading API.

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null program

Chris Wellons

wellons@nullprogram.com (PGP)
~skeeto/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht (view)