Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Journey to TDD - Enter Ruby

If you found this article and want to start at the beginning, this series starts here.

Once attending a Code Retreat and experiencing modern software development practices I was getting it.

This started me on a better path. I was re-thinking what happened to my software projects before. When I was just the coding cowboy and went in guns, err, keyboards blazing.

This built my awareness, now I had to go gain more knowledge.

I had a short gig doing technical writing that didn’t work out and there, I met an important person that shared an important message:

You’re really good engineer. You should get into Ruby and look up “Uncle Bob” Martin.

Ruby is a great language, one thing that’s awesome about it is the testing culture around it. Combine testing with Ruby’s pry gem, it’s a dream.

Small test for setup. Stop right at the moment you need to “open up” code.

Thanks to Ruby - I started to improve my experience with modern software development. Then I got my first job working in a test driven manner.