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Top picks — 2022 January

Using Node.js ES modules and top-level await in AWS Lambda

I am glad to see that ECMAScript modules adoption is growing. From now on, you can use ESM on AWS Lambda functions. To top it off, this can massively improve the initialization stage of your Lambda function.

Life of a Pixel

This presentation is a detailed walkthrough rendering process based on the Chromium engine. Steve Kobes does an excellent job explaining each of the steps in an outstanding level of detail. Essential watch for every single Web developer.

Eleventy v1.0.0, the stable release

Eleventy, one of the dominant static site generators just hit a stable release 1.0. Although I built my website using super fast Go-based Hugo, Eleventy would be my second choice. Simple, quick, flexible and finally, after years of development, not hit stable release.

TypeScript Features to Avoid

A set of TypeScript features should be avoided, and this article summarises them all nicely. Of course, this article is subjective based on the experience of Execute Program team, but I agree with every single one of their points. By the way, private descriptor and # are not equivalents.

CSS Cascade Layers: An overview of the new @layer and layer() CSS primitives

This quick video by Una is the easiest way to grasp the generic concept behind the new CSS feature, Cascade Layers. It is not a silver bullet solution for people who struggle to understand specificity, but it will help organize styling blocks in UI systems. Exciting times for CSS.

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