Interesting links - Is logging a "code smell" ?

I was reading this article it raises quite an unexpected question - "Can we consider logging as a code smell"?

Clearly - the answer is more nuanced than that and whilst I do enjoy the event bus approach from the article - that seems like overkill for most applications.

It's interesting that Aspect Oriented Programming is mentioned but not in a positive light and I resonate with that to a certain extent - especially in Java but in Ruby world this is quite easy to implement - actually no one even calls AOP (most likely because is not in the pure definition of it) it's just neat little feature of ActiveSupport : more precisely ActiveSupport::Notifications.

To me that's quite similar to the implementation in the original article - it just comes as under the "instrumentation API for Ruby" moniker.

A simple example would look like:

ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('some_action_that_requires_instrumentation') do

In some other part of our logic - preferably in config file we can subscribe to those events:

ActiveSupport::Notifications.monotonic_subscribe('render') do |name, start, finish, id, payload|

  # According to the docs we get a handy set of meta information:
  # name         => String, name of the event (such as 'render' from above)
  # start          => Monotonic time, when the instrumented block started execution
  # finish        => Monotonic time, when the instrumented block ended execution
  # id              => String, unique ID for the instrumenter that fired the event
  # payload    => Hash, the payload

  # here we could implement our logging and instrumentation (Librato & friends)



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