Percona Server for MySQL EncryptionSecurity will always be a main focal point of a company’s data. A common question I get from clients is, “how do I enable encryption?” Like every good consulting answer, it depends on what you are trying to encrypt. This post is a high-level summary of the different options available for encryption in Percona Server for MySQL.

Different certifications require different levels of encryption. For example, PCI requires both encryptions of data at rest and in transit. Here are the main facets of encryption for MySQL:

  • Data at Rest
    • Full disk encryption (at the OS level)
    • Transparent Data Encryption – TDE
    • Column/field-level encryption
  • Data in Transit
    • TLS Connections

Data at Rest

Data at rest is frequently the most asked about part of encryption. Data at rest encryption has multiple components, but at the core is simply ensuring that the data is encrypted at some level when stored. Here are the primary ways we can look at the encryption of data at rest.

Full Disk Encryption (FDE)

This is the easiest and most portable method of encrypting data at rest. When using full disk encryption, the main goal is to protect the hard drives in the event they are compromised. If a disk is removed from the server or the server is removed from a rack, the disk isn’t readable without the encryption key.

This can be managed in different ways, but the infrastructure team generally handles it. Frequently, enterprises already have disk encryption as part of the infrastructure stack. This makes FDE a relatively easy option for data at rest encryption. It also has the advantage of being portable. Regardless of which database technology you use, the encryption is managed at the server level.

The main disadvantage of FDE is that when the server is running, and the disk is mounted, all data is readable. It offers no protection against an attack on a running server once mounted.

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

Moving up the chain, the next option for data at rest encryption is Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). In contrast to FDE, this method encrypts the actual InnoDB data and log files. The main difference with database TDE is that the encryption is managed through the database, not at the server level. With this approach, the data and log files are encrypted on disk by the database. As data is read by MySQL/queries, the encrypted pages are read from disk and decrypted to be loaded into InnoDB’s buffer pool for execution.

For this method, the encryption keys are managed either through local files or a remote KMS (such as Hashicorp Vault) with the keyring_plugin. While this approach helps prevent any OS user from simply copying data files, the decrypted data does reside in memory which could be susceptible to a clever hacker. We must rely on OS-level memory protections for further assurance. It also adds a level of complexity for key management and backups that is now shifted to the DBA team.

Column Level Encryption

While the prior methods of at-rest encryption can help to meet various compliance requirements, both are limited when it comes to a running system. In either case, if a running system is compromised, the data stored is fully readable. Column level encryption works to protect the data in a running system without a key. Without a key, the data in the encrypted column is unreadable.

While this method protects selected data in a running system, it often requires application-level changes. Inserts are done with a specific encryption function (AES_ENCRYPT in MySQL, for example). To read the data, AES_DECRYPT with the specified key is required. The main risk with this approach is sending the plaintext values as part of the query. This can be sniffed if not using TLS or potentially leaked through log files. The better approach is to encrypt the data in the application BEFORE sending it to MySQL to ensure no plaintext is ever passed between systems.

In some cases, you can use a shared key for the entire application. Other approaches would be to use an envelope method and store a unique key alongside each encrypted value (protected by a separate master key).

Either way, it is important to understand one of the primary downsides to this approach – indexes and sort order can and will be impacted. For example, if you are encrypting the SSN number, you won’t be able to sort by SSN within MySQL. You would be able to look up a row using the SSN number but would need to pass the encrypted value.

Data in Transit

Now that we’ve discussed the different types of data-at-rest encryption, it is important to encrypt traffic to and from the database. Connecting to the server via TLS ensures that any sensitive sent to or from the server is encrypted. This can prevent data from leaking over the wire or via man-in-the-middle attacks.

This is a straightforward way to secure communication, and when combined with some at-rest encryption, serves to check a few more boxes towards various compliances.


Overall, there are several aspects of encryption in MySQL. This makes it possible to meet many common compliance requirements for different types of regulations. Security is a critical piece of the database tier, and these discussions are needed across teams in an organization. Ensuring that security, infrastructure, and the database team are on the same page is essential, especially during the design phase. Let our Professional Services team help you implement the approach that is best suited for your requirements – we are here to help!

Percona Distribution for MySQL is the most complete, stable, scalable, and secure, open-source MySQL solution available, delivering enterprise-grade database environments for your most critical business applications… and it’s free to use!

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Patrick Domack

i went one more step in column level. like you SSN exaple. but i enrypted it using pki public key so only the billing system could decryprt it and not the public webservers.