Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Shortcuts - Why Numeric Input?

I made Shortcuts on my Apple iPhone to help me record activties. One of the things that help me make entries easier on an iPhone is getting numeric inputs on a Shortcut.

This is the first in a series:

What is a Shortcut?

Before we start - this article is for Apple iPhone users with iOS 14 or greater.

From the Apple website

A shortcut provides a quick way to get things done with your apps, with just a tap or by asking Siri.

I’m starting to see it’s a “no code” way of creating utilities for your iPhone.

Why Numeric input??

The default Input on a shortcut will provide a full keyboard for input. This will work in all situations.

If you are only making numeric entries, the numeric input is simpler to use as there are only 12 buttons instead of 26 + 10 + … - a lot of buttons!