Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

My Current Sleep Habit

I wrote how important sleep is and listed out 16 steps I take before sleeping.

Let’s just say, that list didn’t help me as much as I thought it would. I would end up going to be later and later, getting everything on that list done. Sometimes, I would do too much of one thing as well, like #14. 😕

Real Problem

The thing I want to tackle with sleep is:

  1. Getting to sleep
  2. Getting to sleep early

Each of these play with each other. Going to bed early helps going to bed. If I goto bed too early, then I’m not sleeping. I want to goto from a vicious cycle to a virtuous cycle.

Tow Changes

Instead of making lists to goto sleep or even forcing myself to lie in bed, I made two changes that improved my sleeping habits:

  1. “Sleep Meditation”
  2. Record Sleeping Time

These two steps basically throws out my 16 step list. 🤦

I will share these two changes in detail in another post.