Final Books, Free for Everyone

As I announced three months ago, the Warescription program has ended. The CommonsWare site now has the full catalog of books available for download. The books are published under the the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. PDFs, EPUBs, and MOBI/Kindle editions are available for all of the books, and many of the newer ones are also available for direct reading on the site. If you see any problem with the content, let me know!

I will be adding full-text search in the coming weeks — it was simpler to get the content up first and add search in a second pass. Also, I will be looking to release the second-generation books via Amazon and other distribution channels in the near future, and I will add links to those when they become available.

The Warescription site will remain up for another week, mostly for the final office hours chats. I will then have it simply redirect to the main CommonsWare site.

To everyone who subscribed, I am grateful for your support, and I can only hope that I was able to help you in some small way.