Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

The 50/1 Rule

I wrote about The 80/20 Rule where one can hand wave and say:

  • The first 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort
  • The last 20% of the result comes from 80% of the effort

So, I tell my team, deliver now to get 80% of the result and iterate to get the next 20%.

Next, Next Level

Would you believe there’s another rule? One that takes the 80/20 rule to the next, next level?

The 50/1 Rule

I read about The 50/1 Rule in James Altucher’s Skip the Line. The 50/1 Rule is:

  • The first 50% of the result comes from 1% of the effort

James took The 80/20 Rule and applied it on itself:

80 20
64 4
50 1

So, by applying 1% effort, you can achieve 50% of the result.

How I Use This

I use this rule to help me learn faster.

  • Watching a video from an author talk about their book instead of reading the book.
  • Video courses to get an introduction to new technology.
  • Build from my previous results instead of “starting from scratch” each time.
  • Refer to my own blog posts instead of searching for “the site I remember using to solve my problem”.
  • I list out only the “next action” of a long task.

I use this rule to create momentum for myself in learning or completing a long task. By taking 1% effort, I’m gaining 50% result, or at least 50% more momentum in achieving the result.

For the Team

Does this mean I will tell my team to deliver even sooner? Go for 50% instead of 80%?


I will use The 50/1 Rule to help my team get over barriers or when they overwhelm themselves with tasks. Like me, when I take a little step, even 1% movement, in the right or wrong direction, that creates momentum.

When things get going, it gets harder to stop!