The Rise of Fullstack Ruby & the Next Frontier of the Web

Credit: Johannes Groll on Unsplash

Welcome back to! Only…it’s not! Rather, a very warm welcome from Fullstack Ruby. Why the name change?

Well, a couple of reasons—the first of which is that your humble author (that’s me!) is not just a “Ruby developer” but a “web developer” as well. Yes, I’ll admit it: I don’t just write Ruby because I like assembling command line tools or crafting data processors or solving algorithmic puzzles. I like building websites. And I like building tools for building websites. I’m a web developer. It’s in my DNA.

So running a blog that’s generically about Ruby couldn’t hold my attention for too long. Thus I had to simultaneously narrow the focus all while expanding it to the broader web industry.

The second reason is that today, right now, right this very minute, is the absolute best time to be a fullstack Ruby/web developer. And tomorrow will be even better! Never have we had such a robust arsenal of tools at our disposal for building sites and apps that encompass both the backend and frontend in novel and exciting ways. Let us enumerate just what’s so great about the Ruby landscape at this juncture:

So that’s the primary goal of the Fullstack Ruby blog going forward: to talk at length and in depth about all of the above futuristic technologies. And not just here on the blog, but on a new podcast as well entitled—shocker I know—Fullstack Ruby. 😅 Keep an eye out for the first teaser episode in early December.

From Ruby-ist to Browser-ist

So if that’s the primary goal, what’s the secondary goal? To help introduce backend-focused Rubyists to some of the exciting new browser developments they may not be familiar with. Advancements in CSS and JavaScript. New APIs. New client/server architectures. Something I’ve discovered in talking with various long-time Ruby developers is that some have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. By rightly eschewing the madness of JS frontend frameworks/tooling run amuck, they’ve also limited their knowledge of what is genuinely cutting-edge and useful on the frontend. For example, it’s fine if you opine “gee, heavy-duty React development seems like a PITA!” But if in the process you also ignore custom elements/shadow DOM, libraries like Lit, CSS variables, animations, and other techniques for building live, reactive frontend components, you’re cutting off your nose to spite your face. Not everything can fit cleanly into a Turbo/CableReady pipeline, or even a Stimulus controller. Sometimes, you just need to embrace “vanilla” JS & CSS. It’s OK. You can do it—and maintain your sanity! 😌

Ruby for JavaScript Developers

Finally, our third goal here at Fullstack Ruby is to introduce JavaScript developers to Ruby. We can shout all day from the rooftops how much we love Ruby and think it’s expressive and delightful—plus MINASWAN and all that—but if a JS dev who’s written some APIs in Node Express and assembled some pages with Next.js has no idea what we’re talking about or why—or how it’s relevant to their career—the #Ruby #WebDev community won’t grow. It’s as simple as that. So let’s take a moment out of our day to respectfully showcase to our fellow JS devs what is so appealing about Ruby, about the ecosystem, and about the community. Not in a spirit of competition, but in a spirit of collaboration. We’re ultimately all in the same boat: building great websites and applications. A polyglot web is a stronger web, a better web.

So that’s my spiel. If you’re feeling pumped about all these topics, please sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Twitter, and let’s get this party started! 🎉

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