Percona Releases Nov 22It’s release roundup time again here at Percona!

Percona is a leading provider of unbiased open source database solutions that allow organizations to easily, securely, and affordably maintain business agility, minimize risks, and stay competitive.

Our Release Roundups showcase the latest Percona software updates, tools, and features to help you manage and deploy our software. It offers highlights and critical information, as well as links to the full release notes and direct links to the software or service itself to download.

Today’s post includes those releases and updates that have come out since November 8, 2021. Take a look!

Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.4.10

On November 10, 2021, we released Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.4.10, a freely available MongoDB database alternative, giving you a single solution that combines enterprise components designed and tested to work together. This release includes bug fixes provided by MongoDB and included in Percona Server for MongoDB, along with improvements in Percona Backup for MongoDB 1.6.1 such as added support for automated access to S3 buckets using an EC2 instance profile and improved backup and point-in-time recovery routines alignment by using sequential delete-pitr/install-backup operations instead of in-memory backup intent.index

Download Percona Distribution for MongoDB 4.4.10


Percona Server for MongoDB 4.4.10-11

Percona Server for MongoDB 4.4.10-11 was released on November 10, 2021. It is a free, enhanced, fully compatible, source available, drop-in replacement for MongoDB 4.4 Community Edition with enterprise-grade features. It requires no changes to MongoDB applications or code. Changes and bug fixes introduced by MongoDB include a fix of delays in establishing egress connections on mongos due to delayed responses from

Download Percona Server for MongoDB 4.4.10-11


Percona Monitoring and Management 2.24.0

On November 18, 2021, we announced the release of Percona Monitoring and Management 2.24.0. It is a free and open source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL performance. Highlights in this release include enhanced PostgreSQL monitoring and support for monitoring of PostgreSQL 14, significant improvements in exposed data and additional features if you monitor PostgreSQL together with the pg_stat_monitor extension, and the addition of webhooks as an alerting notification channel type.

Download Percona Monitoring and Management 2.24.0


Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.35-31.53

November 18, 2021, saw the release of Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.35-31.53. It supports your critical business applications, however challenging your public, private, and hybrid cloud environment. Our free, open source, enterprise-grade solution includes the high availability and security features your business needs to meet customer expectations and business goals. Release highlights include some fixes for MySQL 5.7.35, provided by Oracle, fixes for Galera Cluster, provided by Codership, and updates in Percona XtraDB Cluster Limitations that the LOCK=NONE clause is no longer allowed in an INPLACE ALTER TABLE statement (thanks to user Brendan Byrd for reporting this issue).

Download Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.35-31.53


That’s it for this roundup, and be sure to follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on the most recent releases! Percona is a leader in providing best-of-breed enterprise-class support, consulting, managed services, training, and software for MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and other open source databases in on-premises and cloud environments.

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