Posted On: Nov 19, 2021

Amazon Pinpoint now includes an SMS simulator feature that you can use to test how your application handles different SMS sending scenarios. With this feature, you can simulate deliveries by sending SMS messages to a destination phone number that Amazon Pinpoint provides. This enables you to see see examples of message delivery receipts per destination country without owning a destination phone number for that country. You can use the SMS simulator to test that your application’s logic is functioning as intended through simulated successful or failed sending. You can also use this feature to test your origination identity throughput without impacting your quota.

You can send to these destination phone numbers that Pinpoint provides as you would with any real destination phone number (using the Send Message API or sending a test message through the Pinpoint console). Messages sent to these destination phone numbers are designed to stay within Pinpoint, so they are not sent over the carrier network. You can use any of your origination identities to send to these destinations phone numbers in the same country. When you send a message, Pinpoint does the same sending check as it would for any real destination phone number. For example, Pinpoint checks that the origination identities are supported for the destination country. If they are then Pinpoint sends at the correct throughput for that origination identity. You can send to these destination phone numbers even if your account is in the SMS sandbox.

For more information about the SMS simulator feature, see SMS Simulator in the Amazon Pinpoint User Guide.