Pros And Cons Of Using Vue.js for Web Development

JavaScript has provided a perfect ecosystem to the technology industry in recent years, made possible by popular JS frameworks like Node, Vue, React, Angular, and Ember. Of these, Vue.js is one of the most popular as it offers different functions, tools, and services.

Vue.js has more than 4.4 million monthly downloads on NPM and has received around 138K stars on GitHub from the web developer community. Vue.js can be used for many things, such as developing a secure single-page app and UI. Below, we'll go through the details of Vue.js and compare its pros and cons.

What is Vue.js Framework?

Vue.js is one of the most popular progressive frameworks used for building user interfaces and single page applications. Vue.js framework is designed for incrementality and scalability. It's also very easy to integrate with other libraries and functions that are focused on the view layer.

Like other JavaScript frameworks, Vue has created a buzz in the world of web app development and has proved itself as revolutionary technology which has multiple use cases. Besides this, it is a framework that can be used in creating both desktop and mobile-based apps. And, the HTML extensions that come with the JavaScript base have seen a rise at a rapid rate. As a result, many tech companies, such as Adobe, now favor this front-end tool.

Pros of Vue JavaScript Framework

Here are some of the pros of the Vue.js framework.


Vue.js was basically developed with the idea of achieving positive results with minimal effort. This enables developers to create an application or design a user interface with very few lines of code. Vue.js is also great when the developer wants to work with components, as it requires little overhead — Vue.js components can easily store all your CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code in a single file.

User-Friendly Web Development Framework

Vue.js is one such framework that doesn't require a steep learning curve. This is beneficial for all developers, especially for beginners — Vue.js only requires a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This is the opposite of Angular or React, as these technologies require knowledge of additional programming languages requiring advanced coding expertise.

Besides this, Vue.js is used by development companies with some common editors. It also comes with a browser plugin for Chrome and Firefox, making it easier to start working with this technology.

Higher Performance

When we are talking about the advantages of Vue.js, its higher performance level is bound to come into the discussion. One of the other advantages of Vue js for app development is that it provides higher performance. And the main reason behind it is that Vue.js not only works with Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) but also goes very well with giving attention to the shortcomings. It also can manage a high frame rate. All these things result in better performance than React.

Easy to Understand

With its simple structure, Vue.js is easy to understand, enabling developers to easily add Vue.js to their web projects. Besides, Vue comes with a well-defined architecture that allows developers to keep the existing infrastructure as is and keep the data, life-cycle, and custom methods separate. This JavaScript framework has some amazing features like compound properties, watchers, and directives which makes it easier for experts to build a modern website application. It also enables the developers to use other flexible programming languages while working with this framework.

Simple Integration

With Vue.js being one of the most popular frameworks amongst web app developers, it facilitates integrations with existing applications. And all this is possible because Vue is based on JavaScript. It has features that make it easy for developers to integrate this technology into other applications built on JavaScript.

Besides this, Vue.js allows the experts to add Vue.js CDN and then start using it. Vue.js CDN also comes with a lot of third-party libraries and components. And when you want to work with Vue.js, you don't need to set up nodes and npm. This means that this technology can be used for both developing new web apps and altering pre-existing apps. In addition to this, you can also use Vue.js as a jQuery Replacement.

Solid Tooling Ecosystem

Since Vue.js has come into life, it has gained a robust set of tools that any development team can use while creating applications. Its releases, like Vue CLI 3, are very popular and enable the developers to deliver heaps of new functions. Vue CLI 3 updates this progressive JavaScript framework that supports TypeScript and Babel out of the box, offers end-to-end testing tools, unit testing, and a plugin installation system.

Besides this, Vue.js has its own state manager, browser debugging tools, and server renderer.

Keeps the Focus on User Interfaces

Vue.js is a framework that keeps a solid focus on working with user interfaces. This is possible because it only requires JS, CSS, and HTML to work with it and doesn't rely on too much Vue-specific stuff. For instance, for its Hybrid cloud, IBM used Vue.js as a front-end framework. This choice was made because of its gentle learning curve, it being lightweight, and its reliance on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Cons of Vue JavaScript Framework

Here are some of the disadvantages of Vue.js.

JS Framework with Limited Resources

As we know by now, Vue comes with a pretty wide ecosystem and various tools that a developer may require while starting to work on an application. Still, Vue is not as big as Angular and React. For instance, if you compare the number of plugins that are available in Vue.js and React, the difference is in the thousands. Besides, the existing plugins that developers might like to use with other frameworks are not often well supported. But with time, this won't be the case.

Reactivity Complexity

Vue is a two-way data binding technology that manages virtual DOM updates. And though it is a handy tool that keeps all the required components in sync, there are some issues that might concern the way the reactivity system works.

The Vue.js web application consists of many interactive components. Each component comes with a watcher that rerenders the data every time a user triggers the component. And then, the reactivity system only rerenders the chunks of data that the user triggered. But the issue with this is that it is not that smart, and there are chances that it makes mistakes during the data reading process. And this is why it requires data to be flattened.

This problem can be addressed. It's a known issue, and thankfully it's discussed in Vue's documentation, which provides guidance on setting up reactivity properly.

Language Barrier

Vue.js got popular in the IT industry because companies like Alibaba and Xiaomi used it in their projects, creating a huge demand in the labor market. And with the increasing popularity of Vue.js in China, a significant part of its discussions and content are in Chinese. And the Chinese Great Firewall makes everything a bit different in that country as a lot of material is unavailable. Because of this, developers in other countries use Angular or React more than Vue, as these technologies don't come with a language barrier.

When a software engineer wants to work with Vue and searches for its content, they will often face forum discussions, instructions, and plugin descriptions in Chinese. This can be a problem for English-speaking developers.


Vue.js is one of the most popularly used JS frameworks for developing UIs and single-page applications. Developers prefer this progressive framework as it offers easy-to-use syntax and clean formatting styles. Besides, it also gets easily integrated into other infrastructure as well. And as seen in this article, Vue.js is a framework that certainly lives up to its expectations and offers various functions that are designed for specialists to work with while creating applications.