Posted On: Nov 15, 2021

AWS Launch Wizard supports Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) gp3, io2, and io2 Block Express volumes for Microsoft SQL Server deployments. Now you can take full advantage of the new generations of EBS volumes when you use Launch Wizard for the high availability or single node deployments of SQL Server on Amazon EC2.

AWS Launch Wizard enables you to easily size, configure, and deploy SQL Server on EC2. Launch Wizard can recommend appropriate EBS volumes based on your storage performance requirements, and you have the ability to choose an appropriate EBS volume. EBS io2 volumes are ideal for your IOPS intensive and throughput intensive SQL Server workloads that require low latency. io2 is designed to provide you up to 64,000 IOPS and 1,000 MB/s of throughput per volume with 99.999% durability. io2 Block Express offers the highest performance block storage with 4x higher throughput, IOPS, and capacity than io2 volumes, along with sub-millisecond latency. gp3 volumes are ideal for your SQL Server workloads that require high performance at low cost. With gp3, you can get a baseline performance of 3,000 IOPS and 125MB/s with up to 20% lower price-point per GB than gp2 volumes.

AWS Launch Wizard for SQL Server is available at no additional charge. You only pay for the AWS resources that are provisioned for running your SQL Server. To learn more about using AWS Launch Wizard, visit the AWS Launch Wizard page and technical documentation.