Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

How to Know if You Have KonMari: Design

I picked up Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up years back and its method, the KonMari method, definitely changed my life.

One thing I learned about the KonMari method is: when you have done a good job at cleaning up your stuff, others can easily figure it out and dissect it.

One concrete example: my clothes.

Before KonMari, my mother-in-law would not be able to figure out my dresser and would leave my clean clothes on my dresser for me to put away.

After konmari, she would be able to go into my dresser and put away my things in a way that she is confident I expect.

No teaching, no learning, just see, understand, execute.

This aspect KonMari blew my mind. I realized that I organized my things well for me, when organized for me, others would understand my things too.

In a sense, the ultimate in design. Getting others to do things without teaching them or having them think.