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Autogrowing textareas

Three years ago, I shared an approach for creating autoexpanding textarea elements with vanilla JS. On a recent project, I decided to search for a more modern way to automatically expand textarea elements as the user types, and stumbled upon this solution from Stephen Shaw that I think is far superior.

First, you wrap your textarea in a div.

<label for="content">Type something</label>
<div class="autogrow">
	<textarea id="content"></textarea>

You use CSS Grid to link the sizing of the parent div and the textarea together. They’ll both have the height of whichever one is biggest.

.autogrow {
	display: grid;

.autogrow > textarea,
.autogrow::after {
	/* Add textarea styles here so that the textarea and div look the same */
	grid-area: 1 / 1 / 2 / 2;

Whenever the user types, you add that text to the a data attribute, [data-replicated-value], on the parent div.

You could use an external event listener for this, but a simple onInput event works as well.

<label for="content">Type something</label>
<div class="autogrow">
	<textarea id="content" onInput="this.parentNode.setAttribute('data-replicated-value', this.value)"></textarea>

Finally, you use the CSS content property and attr() function to display a copy of the textarea content after the div, but you visually hide it with visibility: hidden.

This prevents it from being displayed or read aloud by screen readers, but it will still occupy space in the UI. The white-space: pre-wrap property is needed to ensure it wraps properly. We also want to prevent users from resizing the textarea, as that will break the link.

.autogrow {
	display: grid;

.autogrow::after {
	content: attr(data-replicated-value) " ";
	white-space: pre-wrap;
	visibility: hidden;

.autogrow > textarea {
	resize: none;

.autogrow > textarea,
.autogrow::after {
	/* Add textarea styles here so that the textarea and div look the same */
	grid-area: 1 / 1 / 2 / 2;

One little quirk I found is that if the textarea is being preloaded with content, it will not be the expanded height on iOS. I added an onload event to fix that.

<label for="content">Type something</label>
<div class="autogrow">
	<textarea id="content" onInput="this.parentNode.setAttribute('data-replicated-value', this.value)" onload="this.parentNode.setAttribute('data-replicated-value', this.value)"></textarea>

Here’s a demo.