Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

In Praise of Alfred's Clipboard & Snippets

I found that Alfred is a macOS app that enhances your Mac. So much that I would argue the £49 price tag for a lifetime is reasonable and may be a bit too low.

I love Alfred’s clipboard management of images and snippets.

Clipboard Images

I love clipboard managers, Alfred takes them to a whole new level by storing text and images. Ever have to send screenshots? Ever want to resurrect screenshots from say, a week ago?

Alfred can do that!

Heck, you can configure Alfred to keep clipboard history upto three months. I have a hard time remembering what I did two weeks ago, Alfred will remember what image you copied three months ago.

Image of Alfred's Clipboard Image History

This feature changes my screenshot documenting workflow. With Alfred’s image clipboard history, I can just keep making all the screenshots I need THEN start making them into files.

Snippet & Snippet Packs

While I love a clipboard manager’s capability to keep past items, Alfred’s snippets are a great way to keep reference items handy. You can make your own custom snippet collection for anything you want.

The even cooler thing is you can import snippets from other people.

Why would you want to import other people’s snippets??

Because if they make a snippet pack say of all the emojis to make them easily searchable (like on other apps :wave:, (wave), 👋) anywhere in macOS!

Image of Alfred's Emoji Snippet - Goodbye

If the emoji text doesn’t correspond to what you think is a good word representation of the emoji, you can change it!

Image of Alfred's Emoji Snippet - Hi

Let’s see other app with emoji support let you do that!