Notion SDK for Any JVM Language

A simple and easy to use client for the Notion API

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Here is an Notion API SDK for any JVM language users :wave:

This project aims to provide a Notion API client for any JVM language developers without hurdles. To realize the goal, its code is written in Kotlin with a nice consideration for Java compatibility.

This SDK works on Android runtime and any distributions based on OpenJDK. With regard to programming languages, this project provides out-of-the-box supports for Java (of course!), Kotlin, and the novel Scala 3! We don't have nice wrappers for some other JVM lanaguages such as Groovy and Clojure, but your code using this library should work in the lanaguges too.

Getting Started

You can start using this library just by adding notion-sdk-jvm-core dependency to your project.

For Gradle users:

ext.notionSdkVersion = "0.1.16"
dependencies {
  // This dependency is at least required

For Maven users:



As this library is in Kotlin, using in the same language is the smoothest :) Let's start with the following code, which manipulates Notion pages :wave:

import notion.api.v1.NotionClient
import notion.api.v1.model.pages.PageParent
import notion.api.v1.model.pages.PageProperty as prop

fun main() {
    val client = NotionClient(token = System.getenv("NOTION_TOKEN"))
    client.use {

        // Look up all databases that this app can access
        val databases = client.listDatabases()
        // Find the "Test Database" from the list
        val database = databases.results.find { it.title.any { t -> t.plainText.contains("Test Database") } }
            ?: throw IllegalStateException("Create a database named 'Test Database' and invite this app's user!")

        // All the options for "Severity" property (select type)
        val severityOptions ="Severity")?.select?.options
        // All the options for "Tags" property (multi_select type)
        val tagOptions ="Tags")?.multiSelect?.options
        // The user object for "Assignee" property (people type)
        val assignee = client.listUsers().results[0] // just picking the first user up

        // Create a new page in the database
        val newPage = client.createPage(
            // Use the "Test Database" as this page's parent
            parent = PageParent.database(,
            // Set values to the page's properties
            // (these must be pre-defined before this API call)
            properties = mapOf(
                "title" to prop(title = listOf(prop.RichText(text = prop.RichText.Text(content = "Fix a bug")))),
                "Severity" to prop(select = severityOptions?.find { == "High" }),
                "Tags" to prop(multiSelect = tagOptions),
                "Due" to prop(date = prop.Date(start = "2021-05-13", end = "2021-12-31")),
                "Velocity Points" to prop(number = 3),
                "Assignee" to prop(people = listOf(assignee)),
                "Done" to prop(checkbox = true),
                "Link" to prop(url = ""),
                "Contact" to prop(email = "[email protected]"),
        val severityId =["Severity"]!!.id

        // Update properties in the page
        val updatedPage =
                pageId =,
                // Update only "Severity" property
                properties = mapOf(
                    severityId to prop(select = severityOptions?.find { == "Medium" }),

        // Fetch the latest data of the page
        val retrievedPage = client.retrievePage(

Using in Java

Even when you use this SDK in Java and other languages, all the classes/methods should be accessible. If you find issues, please let us know the issue in this project's issue tracker.

import notion.api.v1.NotionClient;
import notion.api.v1.model.databases.Databases;

public class Readme {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (NotionClient client = new NotionClient(System.getenv("NOTION_TOKEN"))) {
            Databases databases = client.listDatabases();

Scala 3 Support

Although many classes are still Java/Kotlin objects, you can seamlessly use this SDK in Scala 3 too! Here is a simple build.sbt example:

val notionSdkVersion = "0.1.16"

lazy val root = project
    scalaVersion := "3.0.0",
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.github.seratch" % "notion-sdk-jvm-scala3" % notionSdkVersion,
      "com.github.seratch" % "notion-sdk-jvm-httpclient" % notionSdkVersion,

Save the following source code as Main.scala. You can run the app by hitting sbt run.

import notion.api.v1.ScalaNotionClient
import notion.api.v1.http.JavaNetHttpClient
import notion.api.v1.model.common.PropertyType
import notion.api.v1.model.databases.query.filter.PropertyFilter
import notion.api.v1.model.databases.query.filter.condition.TextFilter

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

@main def example: Unit = {

  val client = ScalaNotionClient(
    token = System.getenv("NOTION_TOKEN"),
    httpClient = new JavaNetHttpClient()

  val users = client.listUsers(pageSize = 2)

  val databaseId = client
    .find(_.getTitle.get(0).getPlainText == "Test Database")

  val queryResult = client.queryDatabase(
    databaseId = databaseId,
    filter = {
      val filter = new PropertyFilter()
      filter.setTitle {
        val title = new TextFilter()
    pageSize = 3


By default, the NotionClient utilizes only JDK's and Gson library for JSON serialization.

For HTTP communications and logging, you can easily switch to other implementations.

Pluggable HTTP Client

As some may know, does not support PATCH request method :cry:. Thus, the default httpClient has to make an "illegal reflective access" to overcome the limitation for perfoming PATCH method requests (see this class for details).

If you use PATH method API calls such as PATCH{page_id}, we recommend other httpClient implementations listed below. If you don't use PATCH method APIs at all and don't want to add any extra dependencies, the default httpClient works fine for you.

// Add this if you use in JDK 11+
// Please note that this module does not work on Android runtime

// Add this if you use OkHttp 5.x (still alpha)
// If you have other dependencies relying on okhttp 5.x (e.g., Retrofit)

// Add this if you use OkHttp 4.x
// Although the package name is `okhttp3`, the latest version is 4.x

// Add this if you use OkHttp 3.x
// If you have other dependencies relying on okhttp 3.x (e.g., Retrofit)

You can switch the httpClient in either of the following ways:

import notion.api.v1.NotionClient
import notion.api.v1.http.JavaNetHttpClient

val client = NotionClient(
    token = System.getenv("NOTION_TOKEN"),
    httpClient = JavaNetHttpClient(),


import notion.api.v1.NotionClient
import notion.api.v1.http.OkHttp3Client

val client = NotionClient(token = System.getenv("NOTION_TOKEN"))
client.httpClient = OkHttp3Client()

Pluggable Logging

You can change the logger property of a NotionClient instances Currently, this libarary supports its own stdout logger (default), java.util.logging, and slf4j-api based ones. Here are the steps to switch to an slf4j-api logger. Add the following optional module along with your favorite implementation (e.g., logback-classic, slf4j-simple).

implementation("com.github.seratch:notion-sdk-jvm-slf4j:${notionSdkVersion}") // slf4j-api 1.7

Now you can switch to your slf4j logger. As with the httpClient example, you can use the setter method too.

import notion.api.v1.NotionClient
import notion.api.v1.http.JavaNetHttpClient
import notion.api.v1.logging.Slf4jLogger

// for slf4j-simple
System.setProperty("org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel", "debug")

val client = NotionClient(
    token = System.getenv("NOTION_TOKEN"),
    httpClient = JavaNetHttpClient(),
    logger = Slf4jLogger(),

Why isn't JSON serialization pluggable?

We don't support other JSON libraries yet. There are two reasons:

Necessity of polymorphic serializers for list objects

In the early development stage of this SDK, we started with kotlinx.serialization. It worked well except for the Search API responses. The results returned by the API requires polymorphic serializers for properties: List<DatabaseProperty | PageProperty> (this is a pseudo-code illustrating the property is a list of union type). We could not find a way to handle the pattern with the library at that time.

Easily enabling camelCased property names

We know a few novel Kotlin libraries do not support the conversions between snake_cased keys and camelCased keys. Although we do respect the opinion and see the benefit, we still prefer consistent field naming in the Java world. This is another major reason why we did not go with either of kotlinx.serialization and Moshi.

Supported Java Runtimes

  • OpenJDK 8 or higher
  • All Android runtime versions supported by Kotlin 1.5

As notion-sdk-jvm-httpclient utilizes, the module works with JDK 11 and higher versions.


The MIT License
