Disaster Recovery for MongoDB on KubernetesAs per the glossary, Disaster Recovery (DR) protocols are an organization’s method of regaining access and functionality to its IT infrastructure in events like a natural disaster, cyber attack, or even business disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. When we talk about data, storing backups on remote servers is enough to pass DR compliance checks for some companies. But for others, Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) are extremely tight and require more than just a backup/restore procedure.

In this blog post, we are going to show you how to set up MongoDB on two distant Kubernetes clusters with Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator to meet the toughest DR requirements.

What to Expect

Here is what we are going to do:

  1. Setup two Kubernetes clusters
  2. Deploy Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator on both of them. The Disaster Recovery site will run a MongoDB cluster in unmanaged mode.
  3. We are going to simulate the failure and perform a failover to DR site

In the 1.10.0 version of the Operator, we have added the Technology Preview of the new feature which enables users to deploy unmanaged MongoDB nodes and connect them to existing Replica Sets.

MongoDB Kubernetes

Set it All Up

We are not going to cover the configuration of the Kubernetes clusters, but in our tests, we relied on two Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters deployed in different regions. Read more about GKE here.

Prepare Main Site

We have shared all the resources for this blog post in this GitHub repo. As a first step we are going to deploy the operator on the Main site:

Deploy the MongoDB managed cluster with cr-main.yaml:

It is important to understand that we will need to expose ReplicaSet nodes through a dedicated service. This includes Config Servers. This is required to ensure that ReplicaSet nodes on Main and DR can reach each other. So it is like a full mesh:

ReplicaSet nodes

To get there, cr-main.yaml has the following changes:

We are using the LoadBalancer Kubernetes Service object as it is just simpler for us, but there are other options – ClusterIP, NodePort. It is also possible to utilize 3rd party tools like Submariner to implement a private connection.

If you have an already running MongoDB cluster in Kubernetes, you can expose the ReplicaSets without downtime by changing these variables.

Prepare Disaster Recovery Site

The configuration of the Disaster Recovery site could be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Copy the Secrets from the Main cluster.
    1. system users secrets
    2. SSL keys – both used for external connections and internal replication traffic
  2. Tune Custom Resource:
    1. run nodes in unmanaged mode – Operator does not control replicaset configuration and secrets generation
    2. expose ReplicaSets (the same way we do it on the Main cluster)
    3. disable backups – backups can be only taken on the cluster managed by the Operator

Copy the Secrets

System user’s credentials are stored by default in my-cluster-name-secrets Secret object and defined in spec.secrets.users. Apply this secret in the DR cluster with kubectl apply -f yaml-with-secrets. If you don’t have it in your source code repository or if you rely on the Operator to generate it, you can get the secret from Kubernetes itself, remove the unnecessary metadata and apply.

On main execute:

Now remove the following lines from metadata:

Save the file and apply it to the DR cluster.

The procedure to copy SSL keys is almost the same as for users. The difference is the names of the Secret objects – they are usually called <CLUSTER_NAME>-ssl and <CLUSTER_NAME>-ssl-internal. It is also possible to specify them in secrets.ssl and secrets.sslInternal in the Custom Resource. Copy these two keys from Main to DR and reference them in the CR.

Tune Custom Resource

cr-replica.yaml will have the following changes:

Once the Custom Resource is applied, the services are going to be created.  We will need the IP addresses of each ReplicaSet node to configure the DR site.

Add External Nodes to Main

At this step, we are going to add unmanaged nodes to the Replica Set on the Main site. In cr-main.yaml we should add externalNodes under replsets.[] and sharding.configsvrReplSet:

Please note that we add three nodes, but only two are voters. We do this to avoid split-brain situations and do not start the primary election if the DR site is down or there is a network disruption between the Main and DR sites.


Once all the configuration above is applied, the situation will look like this:


We have three voters in the main cluster and two voters in the replica cluster. That means replica nodes won’t have the majority in case of main cluster failure and they won’t be able to elect a new primary. Therefore we need to step in and perform a manual failover.

Let’s kill the main cluster:

I deleted the nodes and the node pool of the main Kubernetes cluster so now the cluster is in an unhealthy state. Let’s see what mongos on the DR site says when we try to read or write through it (psmdb-tester can be found in the git repo as well):

Disaster Recovery MongoDB
Normally, we can only alter the replica set configuration from the primary node but in this kind of situation where you don’t have a primary and only have a few surviving members, MongoDB allows us to force the reconfiguration from any alive member.

Let’s connect to one of the secondary nodes in the replica cluster and perform the failover:

Note that the indexes of surviving members may differ in your environment. You should check rs.status() and rs.config() outputs first. The main idea is to repopulate config members with only surviving members.

After the reconfiguration, the replica set will have just three members and two of them will have votes and a majority. So, they’ll be able to select a new primary. After performing the same process on the cfg replica set, we will be able to read and write through mongos again:

Once the replica cluster has become the primary, you should reconfigure all clients that connect to the old main cluster and point them to the DR site.


Disaster Recovery is important for business continuity. The goal of administrators and SREs is to have a plan in place. With the new release of Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator, setting up DR is fast, automated, and enables IT teams to meet RTO and RPO requirements.

We encourage you to try out our operator. See our GitHub repository and check out the documentation.

Found a bug or have a feature idea? Feel free to submit it in JIRA.

For general questions please raise the topic in the community forum.

You are a developer and looking to contribute? Please read our CONTRIBUTING.md and send the Pull Request.

Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator

The Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator simplifies running Percona Server for MongoDB on Kubernetes and provides automation for day-1 and day-2 operations. It’s based on the Kubernetes API and enables highly available environments. Regardless of where it is used, the Operator creates a member that is identical to other members created with the same Operator. This provides an assured level of stability to easily build test environments or deploy a repeatable, consistent database environment that meets Percona expert-recommended best practices.

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This protocol requires to add nodes from DR side, but what happens as nodes on DR site change – some are added, removed, would one need to manage this process manually ?

Sergey Pronin

If you add a node on DR side – it should be added to the replica set on Main. Same process for removal.
It is a manual process, as the node starts with the new IP-address and should be added to the replica set.

Adding/removing nodes looks like a rare case to me BTW.

Nikhil Rana

I was trying out the DR capability of Percona for MongoDB & using a similar setup (2 GKE clusters in different regions)

I’m able to follow-through all the steps but when I try logging into the DR/Replica cluster rs0-0 instance, I keep getting “Authentication Failed”. The user credentials are same as Primary/Main cluster & over there, I’m able to login perfectly

Moreover (and probably related), when I check rs.status() from Primary Cluster rs0-0 pod, the external nodes show not reachable/healthy even though I’ve mentioned the External IP address as suggested

Any guidance will be really helpful, thanks!

P.S – I’ve used the exact same files from Github to create CustomResources – cr-main.yaml & cr-replica.yaml. Each Cluster has operator deployed through Github deploy/bundle.yaml per the docs

Thanks & Regards

Sergey Pronin

Hey Nikhil,

this would require some troubleshooting. Can you please schedule a call with me here: https://calendly.com/spronin ?
I would be curious to learn about your use case and issues you are facing.

Nikhil Rana

Thanks, I just set up an invite for Monday (July 25th) at 11:30 AM IST (Haven’t received the invite from Calendly yet though..)


I have followed this article to setup DR Site. I got it working by using the percona Helm chart for operator and DB-server. I needed to copy ssl, ssl-internal, user-secrets and encryption key secret file generated by the operator in Main site to get it working.


It worked for me after importing “encryption key” secret file from main site and applying it in replica site. Is this something specific for my environment ?. I didn’t see anything related to copying and applying encryption key secret file.