Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Hot Sauce: Respect

One of the biggest mistakes I have taken with hot sauce is not respecting it.

“Oh - how hot can this be??” “I can handle this”

Every time I have thought or said that, I have regretted it in one way or another.

When I have hot sauce now, this is my playbook:

  1. Always pour the hot sauce over the side of the meal.
  2. Always start with a small amount.
  3. Have a knife or similar utensil to “slice off” a reasonable amount.
  4. Slowly mix in hot sauce to your food while sampling it.
  5. Have paper towels nearby, just in case of: 😅.

Respect the hot sauce and you will have a good time. Don’t respect the hot sauce and it will teach you something new.


  • In general, the hotter the sauce, the thicker it is (hence the knife to cut the right amount.) Any sauce that is low viscocity or “runny” are generally less spicy.
  • Hot sauces that are just opened are more potent than they are later. So, a bottle of a new hot sauce may be hotter than the one you just finished.
  • Hot sauces that are capsaicin extract are hot, even with low scoville rating.

Treat the hot sauce with respect and you will have a good time.