Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models

This is implementation of the paper:

Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models
Junxian He, Graham Neubig, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
EMNLP 2021

This repo implements several techniques to speed up the evaluation of non-parametric, nearest neighbor language models. Specifically, we improve the efficiency along three axes: adaptive retrieval, datastore prunning, and dimension reduction.

Install Dependencies

This repository is largly based on the knnlm repo which is a fork of Fairseq (commit da544b). Please use the exact commit page to determine software requirements for using this code.

git clone [email protected]:jxhe/efficient-knnlm.git

cd efficient-knnlm
pip install --editable .
pip install faiss


Experiments for this paper were conducted on machines that contain 32 CPUs, 100GB of RAM, and one NVIDIA 3090 24GB GPU. Saving the Wikitext-103 datastore requires 200GB of disk space. Note that the number of CPUs has a great impact on the speed.

Running Efficient kNNLM



We share Fairseq’s instructions on how to prepare the data here.

mkdir -p datasets/wikitext-103
cp examples/language_model/wikitext-103/prepare-wikitext-103.sh datasets/wikitext-103

cd datasets/wikitext-103
bash prepare-wikitext-103.sh
cd ../..

python preprocess.py \
    --only-source \
    --trainpref $TEXT/wiki.train.tokens \
    --validpref $TEXT/wiki.valid.tokens \
    --testpref $TEXT/wiki.test.tokens \
    --destdir data-bin/wikitext-103 \
    --workers 20

Download the language model checkpoint pretrained on WikiText-103

# the model checkpoint link is from the knnlm repo
wget https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/knnlm/wt103_checkpoint_best.pt -P knnlm_ckpt

Save the datastore

mkdir -p dstore

python eval_lm.py data-bin/wikitext-103 \
    --path knnlm_ckpt/checkpoint_best.pt \
    --sample-break-mode none --max-tokens 3072 \
    --softmax-batch 1024 --gen-subset train \
    --context-window 1536 --tokens-per-sample 1536 \
    --dstore-mmap dstore/dstore --knn-keytype 'last_ffn_input' \
    --dstore-size 103225485 --model-overrides "{'knn_keytype': 'last_ffn_input'}" \
    --save-knnlm-dstore --fp16 --dstore-fp16

Dimension Reduction

# the script applies PCA of dimension 512 by default 
# the PCA hyperparameter can be tuned in this script
# set pca=0 to revert back to the vanilla version
bash ef_knnlm/build_faiss.sh

The faiss index is saved into dstore. Try it out:

bash ef_knnlm/utils_cmd/eval_knnlm.sh \
    -d wikitext-103 \
    -s valid \
    -p dstore/dstore_size103225485_embed1024_fp16 \
    -i dstore/knn.103225485.pca512.m64.index \
    -n 103225485 \

You should already observe a speedup.

Adaptive Retrieval

prepare heldout data to train the retrieval adaptor

# this randomly selects 90% of validation data as the training data to 
# train the retrieval adaptor
bash ef_knnlm/adaptive_retrieval/prepare_heldout.sh wikitext-103

prepare features

bash ef_knnlm/adaptive_retrieval/prepare_feature_pipeline.sh


bash ef_knnlm/adaptive_retrieval/train_ar.sh

It saves the retrieval adaptor checkpoints into checkpoint/wikitext-103-valid


# the cutoff ratio in adaptive retrieval
# by default we cut off half of the retrieval

# please change this to the .pt file path observed from the last step

# this hyperparameter needs to be changed if 
# the datastore sizes change (e.g. datastore pruning)


bash ef_knnlm/utils_cmd/eval_knnlm.sh \
    -d wikitext-103 \
    -s test \
    -p ${dstore_prefix} \
    -i ${index_file} \
    -c knnlm_ckpt/wt103_checkpoint_best.pt \
    -n ${size} \
    -f datasets/wikitext-103 \
    -a ctxt,freq,lm_ent,lm_max,fert \
    -u ${cutoff} \
    -h ${ar_ckpt} \
    # -w "True"

Datastore Pruning

precompute all the retrieval results for every record in the datastore:

# It is possible to parallel this operation by change 
# "--start-point" and "--num" arguments so that the training
# data would be splitted into multiple smaller ones. In this case
# the retrieval results would be saved into multiple files
bash ef_knnlm/dstore_compression/save_retrieval_results.sh

The retrieval results are saved into dstore/greedy_merge, other datastore pruning algorithms may be played around using these pre-computed results.

greedy merging

# perform greedy merging to yield a new smaller datastore, 
# and build faiss index from the new datastore
bash ef_knnlm/dstore_compression/merge_compression.sh

The pruned datastore and index are saved into dstore/greedy_merging, replace the previousdstore_prefix/index_file with the new ones to use the pruned the datastore. The option -w "True"needs to be passed to eval_knnlm.sh to read the generated datastore weights file from greedy merging.


title={Efficient Nearest Neighbor Language Models},
author={Junxian He and Graham Neubig and Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick},
booktitle={Proceedings of EMNLP},

