Posted On: Jul 8, 2021

AWS Storage Gateway adds support for AWS Privatelink for Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Access Points.  If you use Amazon S3 File Gateway for your on-premises gateway (VMware, Microsoft Hyper V, Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) or AWS Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance), you can now create a private connection from your gateway directly to Amazon S3 without the need for an HTTP proxy.

You can also now use Amazon S3 Access Points instead of bucket names to map file shares, enabling more access controls for applications connecting to AWS Storage Gateway file shares. You can easily add hundreds of access points without needing to worry about managing access through a single bucket policy that spans hundreds of use cases. Using S3 Access Points in your file shares, you can create file shares to shared data sets with policies tailored to the specific application.

AWS Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage service that provides on-premises applications access to virtually unlimited storage in the cloud. You can use AWS Storage Gateway for backing up and archiving data to AWS, providing on-premises file shares backed by cloud storage, and providing on-premises applications with low latency access to data in the cloud. 

These capabilities are available on new gateways starting today in every Region where AWS Storage Gateway is available. Visit the AWS Storage Gateway product page to learn more. Access the AWS Storage Gateway console to get started.