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Smart Lock is one of the ways that you can make your Android smartphone easier to use, and it's been around for a long, long time. It allows you to unlock your phone or Chromebook without a pin, pattern, or password based on certain criteria that you define. There are three different Smart Lock products that Google has: Smart Lock for Android, Smart Lock for Passwords, and Smart Lock for Chromebook. So basically, Google Smart Lock consists of features that allow you to quickly unlock and begin using a device or log into accounts with just a few taps, avoiding the need to remember a passcode.

Smart Lock for Android

Smart Lock for Android consists of three listed options that you can use to keep your device unlocked.

  • On-body Detection: This method needs you to unlock your device once, following which it will remain unlocked until it believes it has been kept on a table or at a place away from you or until four hours has passed.
  • Trusted Devices: If you wear a fitness band or perhaps have other devices that use Bluetooth to connect to your phone, this option allows you to select those as a trusted entity. Your phone will now not require a passcode to unlock when it's paired with these devices. It will stay unlocked until you disconnect from the device or until your phone has been unlocked for four hours, and then it will require you to log back in again.
  • Trusted Places: As indicative of the name, through this, you can set any location — ideally your home — as a place where your device may remain unlocked. It will stay unlocked until you leave the location or until you're in the location for four hours, and then it will require you to log back in again. This requires precise location access.
Google Smart Lock for Android on OnePlus 5

You can bring up the power menu and tap "lockdown" at any stage to forcefully lock your device at any time, as well.

Please Note: With the Google Assistant Voice Match and Face Unlock features being available on most Android phones, these have been removed from Smart Lock and are only part of it on older models.

Smart Lock for Chromebooks

Similar to Smart Lock for Android, this variant for Chromebooks will allow you to quickly log into your system, provided that your phone uses the same Google Account. For this feature to work, the linked smartphone will have to be unlocked, have Bluetooth turned on, and will need to have a type of screen lock (PIN, Pattern, or Passcode) configured.

Smart Lock for Chromebooks is on by default once your Android smartphone is connected, though if you're not comfortable with that, you can switch it off by doing the following:

  1. On your Chromebook, at the bottom right, select the time.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Under "Connected devices," select your Android phone.
  4. Turn Smart Lock on or off.

Smart Lock for Passwords

This feature allows you to quickly log into various apps by sharing passwords saved to your account between devices. It functions like Apple's iCloud-based Keychain service or any other password manager.

Image showcasing Smart Lock for Password's interface

Note: Smart Lock for Passwords is now deprecated, and developers are encouraged to instead make use of One Tap sign-in instead.