
From Server 2012 to AKS with Azure Migrate

Vinicius Apolinario is here to demo how to move apps from legacy to Azure on Azure Migrate.  This new tooling helps containerize existing applications using Azure Migrate, an easy-to-use tool that removes the complexity involved in the containerization process.
Jump to:
[03:17] Demo Flow
[05:01] Demo starts
[08:26] Azure Migrate App Containerization

Learn more:
Azure App Containerization ASP.Net: https://aka.ms/DevOpsLab/AzureMigrate/Doc
Containerize and migrate apps to AKS with Azure Migrate:
Video - How to containerize Java web apps and migrate to AKS: https://aka.ms/DevOpsLab/YouTube/HowToContainerize
Blog - Containerize and migrate applications to AKS with Azure Migrate's new App Containerization tool: https://aka.ms/DevOpsLab/AppContainerization/Blog

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DevOps Favorites:
Azure DevOps Docs https://aka.ms/AzureDevOps/Docs
Azure DevOps YouTube https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsYouTube
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Follow guest Vinicius https://twitter.com/vrapolinario
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