Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2021-03-12

Lots of news this week as macOS 11.2.3 and a iOS 14.4.1 dropped. Adobe is starting to ship Apple silicon versions of their software, but they are not universal apps. Git has a security issue with git clone, but no updated installer for macOS.

And I was on the MacAdmins Podcast and MacAdmins Monthly!

PSU MacAdmins have announced their schedule for another series of Campfire sessions this summer and MacDevOps YVR are calling for proposals! I have put the list I started last week on a page on my site. I plan to update that regularly.

If you would rather get the weekly newsletter by email, you can subscribe to the Scripting OS X Weekly Newsletter here!! (Same content, delivered to your Inbox once a week.)

News and Opinion

macOS and iOS Updates

MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Steve Troughton-Smith: “If you were confused by the matrix of SwiftUI, Catalyst and AppKit apps on macOS, it’s because this is what it looks like:” (Image)
  • Darren Wallace: “Mac Adobe Users seeing a new folder at ~/Documents/Library that you do not have permission to? Looks like a bug introduced for users who’s Creative cloud Desktop App (CCDA) updated from v5.3 > v5.4. Adobe are aware and a hot-fix is being worked on.”
  • Jason Broccardo: “#macadmins: Apple, please stop releasing supplemental updates that don’t change the OS build number as it creates confusion. Apple: Sure thing, we’ll require an OS update to patch Safari. Build number changes just like you asked.”
  • Nathaniel Strauss: “AutoPkg recipes updated for Google Drive 46.0.3. (AutoPkg recipes) Google is starting to ship Intel and Apple silicon versions side by side. Expect packages to be roughly double in size (~300 MB) with both included.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author