Still on season 1 of Scrubs and 12 Monkeys. The latter is better than expected, since first of all it’s 4 seasons based on a 100 minute film, and also time travel which is ugh in terms of writing - but very watchable. Rewatching Scrubs because why not.


Slower than usual around projects and stuff lately, so lots of media consumption. Saw Naked again, still disturbingly brilliant. Can hardly believe it’s 28 years old…

Not a big fan of biopics, but Hannah Arendt was a good watch, starring Barbara Sukowa, from the 12 Monkeys TV show. Usual European movie caveats apply, though - the audio dubbing is subpar at times, which detracts from an otherwise very good performance from Sukowa.

And finally a documentary about Rachel Carson, a towering figure in the environmental preservation movement that doesn’t get enough exposure. Free to watch online. Trailer:

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I’ve started collecting these in a separate part of the blog. I’ll revamp it soon to work better on the homepage and also to show up on the RSS feed better.

Working on a meatier post for next time. Until then, take care! 👋

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