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Top picks — 2021 February

npm 7 is now generally available!

Version 7 of the official node package manager arrived with many improvements and one change that I am excited to see — reducing dependencies, increased code coverage, significant performance improvements and compatibility with yarn. Sweet!

AWS Lambda now supports Node.js 14

Upgrade to node version 14 is a significant change that will make our life a lot easier. Some of the new features that we just got to our disposal are nullish coalescing, optional chaining, and many new options on Intl constructor. Indeed the upgrade to the V8.1 engine comes with a lot of performance improvements too.

Modular AWS SDK for JavaScript is now generally available

Another big news for JavaScript developers using AWS cloud. The official SDK got a big update in December. The package is modular and allows to import what’s needed instead of the whole SDK, comes with native support for TypeScript and introduces revamped middleware system.

The “ping” attribute on <a> tags, which will send a POST request to the given URLs when the anchor is clicked

This little tip saved me one Lambda. On one of my recent personal projects, I used to have one GET endpoint that triggers a POST hook. This one allowed me to remove a good chunk of code. Removing code is my best form of adding functionality. — Create beautiful images of your code

It is like Carbon but applies a slightly different look. I like both of these tools to use when I want to share a snippet of code on Twitter.

Start something .new

There are a lot of .new domains registered that can improve your workflow. Did you know you can visit to create a new Spotify playlist? Did you know you can visit to create a new GitHub repository? Nice, isn’t it? There are many domains like that, and you can check them all on

Enabling Popups

The native HTML <popup> element is under active development. How often we build a solution for the transient UI element displayed on top of the other UI elements? From my experience, it is tough to do it right by keeping the right accessibility functionality in place and make this thing performant. I am well-excited about this proposal and even more excited about the fact that the implementation of element it is under active development in Blink engine.

Annual Awards 2020 - Discover the best of the Web on Awwwards

Awwwards just presented the winners of the Annual Awards 2020. I enjoy looking at these results every year. Even tho I consider myself an OK frontend developer, some of the stuff presented here is way above my level of understanding of web technologies. Awwwesome!

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