Tuning PostgreSQL webinarPostgreSQL is one of the leading open-source databases, but, out of the box, the default PostgreSQL configuration is not tuned for any workload. Thus, any system with the least resources can run it. PostgreSQL does not give optimum performance on high permanence machines because it is not using all available resources. PostgreSQL provides a system where you can tune your database according to your workload and machine specifications. In addition to PostgreSQL, we can also tune our Linux box so that the database load can work optimally.

In this webinar on Tuning PostgreSQL for High Performance and Optimization, we will learn how to tune PostgreSQL and we’ll see the results of that tuning. We will also touch on tuning some Linux kernel parameters.

Please join Ibrar Ahmed, Percona Software Engineer, on January 28, 2021, at 1 pm EST as he presents his webinar “Tuning PostgreSQL for High Performance and Optimization.”

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