Can 2021 be worse?

I really hope not, because this year was just the worst.

I’ve been silent for a while, but things haven’t been that bad for me and my family. Being a non-essential worker, I’ve been working from home since April (with no end in sight, btw).

Since last time, I’ve dabbled with some projects but notably stalled on my static site generator - my goal to support every Hugo theme has made it very hard to make steady progress. I think I’ll scale back that goal and just have my own themes.

I’m also working on a few emulators, as I think they’ll make for fun articles. And also another big personal project related to personal knowledge management, hopefully to see the light of day in 2021.

Other than that, the usual mental anguish and anxiety from being locked down for months. It’s easier to understand the cognitive decay that comes with solitary prison sentences, for sure.

I got a PS4 Pro since the PS5 came out, and I’m a strict previous-gen gamer 😄

PS4 recommendations:

Staying in, lots of movies too. Some highlights:

And, for lovers of shlock or otherwise interesting B-movies, here are some highlights:

Parting thoughts

Hope I can blog more in 2021. Hopefully with my own static site generator. Looking forward to the emulator blog posts. And to be a bit more active (got an exercise bike and everything!).

Stay safe out there. It’ll be better real soon! 👋

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