
react-native-line-sdk, the react-native wrapper for LINE

Mauricio Cousillas
Mauricio Cousillas
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A few days ago we released our very first React Native framework to the open source community. react-native-line provides an easy-to-use interface for you to use Line's mobile SDK seamlessly on your app, without having to worry about Android or iOS differences.

How to use it?

To start working with react-native-line-sdk, you need to add it to your react-native project using your package manager of preference. For example:

  npm install react-native-line-sdk

Then, you need to link the native implementations to your project running:

  react-native link react-native-line-sdk

After that, you need to follow the Android and iOS guides available here

Example usage

As an example, let's make a login flow that uses Line's SDK:

First, you need to require the LineLogin module on your js file:

import LineLogin from 'react-native-line-sdk'

Then, on your call to action (for example, a TouchableOpacity) you need to call the login function. This will open Line's own UI (App, or browser, if the app is not installed on the device) and it will resolve the promise when the user finishes that flow successfuly.

    .then((user) => {
      /* Here, send the user information to your own API or external service for autentication.
      The user object has the following information:
        profile: {
          displayName: String,
          userID: String,
          statusMessage: String,
          pictureURL: String?,
        accessToken: {
          accessToken: String,
          expirationDate: String,
    .catch((err) => {
      // The promise will be rejected if something goes wrong, check the error message for more information.

At this point, you should use the promise callbacks to handle the information returned by Line and continue your autentication flow as needed.

Where to go from here

We hope our article works as a good introduction to this open source library. On GitHub you'll find everything you need to get started. If you want to collaborate, feel free to contribute with this library. If you need help to develop your project, drop us a line!

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