Know How to Optimize Your Content for Search Intent

 The motive of search engines is to satisfy the user’s search intent. Whenever you type a query, you expect the answer to be written on the top result. Ever thought, what is the reason behind? It's not just because you searched for it but also because of search intent, which means that the web crawlers are trying to understand/guess what exactly you want. Accordingly, it provides you the desired information.  

Every day, billions of people rely on search engines to get the answer to their queries. Hence, to ensure that your brand is marketing success, it is essential to 
improve your online presence and credibility. Make sure that your company is found on the top whenever your target audience searches for the information relevant to your product/service.  

Just having a website will not be sufficient. You need to create a robust online presence to attract relevant leads to your website. Hence, to get the desired results, you must implement the right SEO strategies.   

Now before diving deep into the topic, let’s first understand what search intent is.  

What is the search intent?  

Search intent or audience intent is the term used to describe the reason for an online search. The search engines try to understand or guess the search's intent and accordingly deliver the result.  

To make sure that your website drives more leads, you first need to understand the psychology behind a search made and then provide the solution. This is so because the ultimate goal of Google Search is to provide immediate answers to the queries made.  

Why Search Intent Matters a lot for SEO?  

If you want to get high position on Google, you need to provide content that answers users’ search intent. It matters a lot because search engines have become smart and shifted their focus to enhance users’ experience. If you fail in doing so, your brand will not be part of Google’s wall of fame, i.e., on Google’s page #1.  

In the present time, integrating keywords in your content will not serve the purpose. You have to provide valuable information to the customers by answering their search queries.  

Now to get the answer to what does search intent optimization allows you to do, read the below points: 

  • Fulfill the requirements of the target audience   

  • Drive qualified, sustainable leads to your website  

  • Encourage customers to stay on your page  

  • Boost your brand awareness 

Now, as you have understood the gist of search intent, it’s time to know the search intent types.  

Types of Search Intent  

There are 
types of search intent, namely: 

  • Informational Intent or “Know” Queries:
     Such queries answer what is/are; best ways to; how to, etc 

  • Navigational Intent or “Go” Queries:
     Such queries answer product/business name; locations near me; direction to, etc 

  • Transactional Intent or “Do” Queries: 
    Such queries answers buy; get discounts onorderetc. 

With the three types of search intent, you might be perplexed about where to put your focus. It’s better to accommodate all three types of searches on your site to get a competitive edge. And if we are to go with the percentage, then “Know” Queries takes more than 80% of the total search intent while 20% is almost equally divided between “Go” Queries and “Do” Queries.  

Now let’s know how to optimize your content for search intent.  

How to Optimize Content for Search Intent? 

Below provided are the best four ways to optimize content for search intent: 

1. Start considering how users do search 

The best way to optimize user intent is to make sure that you use the right tools. For a better start, consider the tips below when you are assessing the search intent

  • Use tools like YouTube Analytics, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Google Webmaster Tools 

  • Study clicks, average site ranking, click-through rate (CTR), and impressions  

  • Notice the search experience from users’ view  

  • Analyze the results  

  • Think about what users might be looking for 

These tools will help you understand the number of times a query was searched and how many of those resulted in page visits. You can even see your average ranking for a particular keyword in an organic search result.  

2. Leverage every online platform and search engine 

If you want to rank high, your optimization strategies shouldn’t keep other search engines in the back seat. 
We already know that Google is the most popular search engine, but this doesn’t mean that ignoring other platforms such as YouTube and Bing will be a good idea. With approx. 2 billion users worldwide, YouTube is the 2nd most popular social media platform. This indicates that the more views your business video gets, the more you will reach the target audience. Ultimately you will be ranked high, but make sure to write a proper description or provide relevant information about the video so that it can appear when users search for it.  

3. Divide Intent from Queries and Usage 

Whenever a user searches, he/she looks to get the answer to both active queries and passive queries.  

Active queries or presented intent are the queries that are explicitly explained by the query syntax. Passive queries or hidden intent are the queries that one needs to make out from the provided insight.  

Putting it simply, if someone searched for “the best SEO service provider in Pune,” this means that the active intent of search is asking for a list of SEO companies in Pune. It also asks the passive intent of the search for other related information like reviews, maps, and photos.  

To get the desired conversion and customer engagement, you, as a marketer, need to satisfy both the active and passive queries. 

Additionally, it would help if you considered mapping customers’ queries to answer their hidden intent. Here are the points to do it in a better way

  • Think about the various ways how your customers may ask the queries. 

  • Consider different religions, languages, and cultures.  

  • Try to figure out how customers from around the world may perform searches, etc. 

4. Optimize Your Content 

Optimizing content for search intent is all about giving your customers a quick answer to immediate queries. The faster your customers get the response, the higher is the chance they will scroll your page. The best way to optimize the Google search query is to offer detailed and consistent information across all the online platforms.

The following points will help in optimizing content for search intent

  • Use relevant keywords in meta descriptions, URLs, and headlines  

  • Perform internal linking  

  • Include useful graphs and images  

  • Place keywords efficiently in between the content but avoid keyword stuffing, etc. 

Wrapping up 

If you haven’t implemented the search query optimization practices yet, this is the right time to start. For better results, collaborate with one of the best digital marketing agencies that provide proven SEO strategies.   

Panacea Infotech is one of the SEO companies that can help position your brand in front of the right audiences.  

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