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The new Rails Performance Workshop will be a pre-packaged "sprint", with performance stories and guides on how to implement them

One of the things I've always done at my workshops is make the participants work directly on their real, production Rails application as we talk through the material. Real Rails apps are complicated, and no pre-baked scenario can ever capture how difficult it is to wade through 7 years of commits and technical debt to ship a performance improvement. So, instead, I make attendees do it on the real thing.

With the new edition of the Rails Performance Workshop coming soon, I wanted to extend this concept even further to the new format. To do that, the new Workshop is designed to be used as part of an overall performance "sprint" of 1 to 4 weeks, where your team dedicates a majority of their time while taking the Workshop to working on performance issues in your real app.

The new Workshop comes with several new handouts and processes I've designed for teams to help them implement performance features, such as:
  • A performance code review process for reviewing pull requests that impact perf.
  • A transaction checklist that provides a comprehensive process for "how do I make X job/controller action faster?"
  • A performance assessment process that guides teams through evaluating the current performance status of their app and generate stories for a performance sprint.
  • A scale audit process, designed to be done regularly, that helps teams evaluate the scalability and cost-effectiveness of your deployment.
These processes are designed around teams that will take the workshop and use it to run a focused period of performance improvement for their app. I'm really excited about it. Several teams have already gotten to use the beta version of the workshop this summer, and I'm very impressed by the progress many of them made.

So, if you're thinking about your Q4 or Q1 engineering plan, is it time to take a look at the performance and scaling of your Rails app? If so, the Rails Performance Workshop could help turbocharge your plans.

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