faster_s3_url: Optimized S3 url generation in ruby

Subsequent to my previous investigation about S3 URL generation performance, I ended up writing a gem with optimized implementations of S3 URL generation.

github: faster_s3_url

It has no dependencies (not even aws-sdk). It can speed up both public and presigned URL generation by around an order of magnitude. In benchmarks on my 2015 MacBook compared to aws-sdk-s3: public URLs from 180 in 10ms to 2200 in 10ms; presigned URLs from 10 in 10ms to 300 in 10ms (!!).

While if you are only generating a couple S3 URLs at a time you probably wouldn’t notice aws-sdk-ruby’s poor performance, if you are generating even just hundreds at a time, and especially for presigned URLs, it can really make a difference.

faster_s3_url supports the full API for aws-sdk-s3 presigned URLs , including custom params like response_content_disposition. It’s tests actually test that results match what aws-sdk-s3 would generate.

For shrine users, faster_s3_url includes a Shrine storage sub-class that can be drop-in replacement of Shrine::Storage::S3 to just have all your S3 URL generations via shrine be using the optimized implementation.

Key in giving me the confidence to think I could pull off an independent S3 presigned URL implementation was WeTransfer’s wt_s3_signer gem be succesful. wt_s3_signer makes some assumptions/restrictions to get even higher performance than faster_s3_url (two or three times as fast) — but the restrictions/assumptions and API to get that performance weren’t suitable for use cases, so I implemented my own.

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